Мостик Кот – Mostik the Cat

I love cats and heard about Mostik [Bridge, in English] shortly after I started this blog. Mostik is/was the mascot of the Crimean Bridge.

Mostik’s social media accounts: InstagramTelegramVK, & Facebook.

Meet Mostik, the Cat Supervising the Construction of Russia’s Crimean Bridge

Pawsome! Mostik, the Cat in Hard Hat, First to Cross Russia’s Crimean Bridge

Putin inspects Crimean bridge as Bridge the Cat inspects the president



Meet Mostik: Russia’s celebrity cat and the unofficial mascot for annexed Crimea (archived)

The symbol of the Crimean Bridge cat Mostik changes his profession.

Cat Bridge in Feodosia. Museum of Fish and Fisheries.

My posts about Mostik:

Happy Birthday, Mostik!

Кот Мостик to the rescue: Motor traffic resumed on Crimea bridge

Mostik Cat attended the 6 year birthday of Sputnik Radio

Meet Mostik!

My collection of Mostik pics:
