Cambridge Analytica and the Right-Wing Populist Movements

*What are you really getting with GETTR?

This is just my research into Bannon and his efforts in spreading “Right-Wing Populism” AKA Nationalism 

Mercer’s helped fund Trump’s campaign, was funding Bannon’s Breitbart site and Cambridge Analytica! Mercer got Bolton into the White House, too!

John Bolton, Brexit & LeaveEU: Meet John Bolton: The Mercer-Backed Trump Advisor Pushing for Post-Brexit Deregulation

John Bolton & CA: The Real Value of Cambridge Analytica


Cambridge Analytica and the creation of right wing media

Nigel Farage: New Evidence Emerges of Steve Bannon and Cambridge Analytica’s Role in Brexit

Hasbara Campaign on Trump Exposed Campaign Analytica

Inside John Bolton Super PAC’s deal with Cambridge Analytica

Robert Mercer: – donated $3 million to John Bolton’s Super PAC in 2016.


Bannon’s Populist Training School in Italy: 

Steve Bannon drafting curriculum for right-wing Catholic institute in Italy

Dignitatis Humanae Institute

Populist School Vows to Fight Eviction. They were recently evicted.

Who’s funding it?!

Trump-linked “Fundamentalists” pour millions of dark money into EU, boosting the “Far-Right”

Action Institute on SourceWatch – linked to the Koch Network

External Links for myself, and others, to pursue:

Is the Acton Institute A Genuine Expression of Catholic Social ThoughtSteve Bannon and the Civil War in the Catholic Church

Turley also talks about Bannon’s ideas of Right-wing Nationalist Populism, and the Return of Christiandom. Turley seems to looks at Putin as the Prince Of Nationalists.

Although, Putin doesn’t see Muslims like many in this new Populist Movement do! Putin knows that it’s the groups like ISIS, and Al Qaeda, that are the terrorists! Russia built a large mosque, in Crimea, not long after Crimea voted to join Russia, as well. I’ve heard of a Jehovah Witness being jailed, (I don’t know the details), so I’m not going to sing any praises for Russia on their record of religious freedom.

Guardian’s coverage of Bannon in the EU

Trump and the Neofascist Alliance:

This is Not Populism

My other posts on Steve Bannon, that may, or may not, be related are linked above.