Putin proposes major amendments to Russia’s constitution incl. about his own post, says people should vote on changes

The constitution should take priority over international law if the latter violates the rights of Russian citizens or violates Russia’s constitutional principles, President Vladimir Putin has proposed.
— Read on www.rt.com/russia/478315-referendum-constitution-amendments-putin/

Jake Morphonios lied! Yet, no one will do their research!



1/10/20 Grant Smith on the Rise of the Virginia Israel Advisory Board

Grant Smith discusses his new book, The Israel Lobby Enters State Government, which tells the scandalous story of the Virginia Israel Advisory Board, a branch of the Virginia state legislature tasked with promoting Israeli business interests in the state. Unlike a chamber of commerce, says Smith, VIAB is quite literally…
— Read on libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/1-10-20-grant-smith-on-the-rise-of-the-virginia-israel-advisory-board/

Trump Tax Cut Hands $32 Billion Windfall to America’s Top Banks

Trump Tax Cut Hands $32 Billion Windfall to America’s Top Banks; Top banks saved $18 billion in 2019, even more than prior year as Meanwhile lending slowed, job cuts mounted and dividends rose
— Read on www.newsmax.com/finance/streettalk/trump-tax-cut-banks/2020/01/16/id/950069/

Because banks used to pay higher tax rates than many other industries, they were among the biggest beneficiaries.