Chris Hedges’ counter-revolutionary advice for revolution

The quality of Chris Hedges’ strategic advice about how to defeat capitalism reflects the quality of his commentary about communism. This is because communism is the primary force behind history’s anti-capitalist movements, and therefore how well one assesses it equates to how well they grasp the tools for defeating the bourgeoisie. Naturally, the following parts from Hedges’ writings about communism provide good insights into how he views our present task of revolution:

Chris Hedges’ counter-revolutionary advice for revolution

YouTube Goes On Speech Suppression Spree – Deletes Channels Covering Ukraine – Golstein, ANNA, NewsFront

Google, owner of Youtube, has unexpectedly wiped the channels of three Russian-speaking news outlets, including News Front and ANNA – explaining the decision as based on “terms of use violation.” Vladimir Golstein, whose News Front interview today is now available through VK, tees off: I have asked his permission to post his essay here on Fort Russ – Tom Winter

YouTube Goes On Speech Suppression Spree – Deletes Channels Covering Ukraine – Golstein, ANNA, NewsFront