State, Local Governments to Send Direct Payments to Residents as Stimulus Checks Get Left Out of Congressional Relief Plan

State, Local Governments to Send Direct Payments to Residents as Stimulus Checks Get Left Out of Congressional Relief Plan

Despite Democrat and Republican support for another round of stimulus checks, partisan divisions have held up another federal relief package for months. Democrats are largely pushing for a more comprehensive package, while Republicans are looking at more limited and targeted relief. On Tuesday, a group of lawmakers unveiled a bipartisan plan that would provide federal unemployment insurance, assistance for small businesses, and help for the transportation industry, which has been hit particularly hard. Aid would also go to state and local governments.

That plan didn’t include another round of stimulus checks, but lawmakers said it provides necessary relief, especially with regard to unemployment assistance, which is set to expire at the end of the year.

Long-Term-Care Residents and Health Workers Should Get Vaccine First, C.D.C. Panel Says

Long-Term-Care Residents and Health Workers Should Get Vaccine First, C.D.C. Panel Says

The only member of the committee to vote against the recommendation was Dr. Helen Talbot, an infectious-disease specialist at Vanderbilt University, who expressed discomfort with putting long-term-care residents in the first priority group because the vaccines’ safety had not been studied in that particular population. “We enter this realm of ‘we hope it works and we hope it’s safe,’ and that concerns me on many levels,” she said before the vote.

Highly recommended YouTube video:

Great Reset is Not Communism it is Neofeudalism via Resource and Individual Extractivism

H/T: Churchdog42 on YouTube

Pro-Gun Activists Lie About Chinese Gun Ownership

Pro-Gun Activists Lie About Chinese Gun Ownership

So what are the facts surrounding Revolutionary China and gun ownership? Well this is what we do know for a fact. The Communist Party after the Long March resettled in the countryside where they began work with the peasants arming them against the government. Mao and the Communist Party armed the people against the country. As the Japanese were attacking China, the Nationalist (and I stress capitalist) Party was only interested in suppressing the peasants, not the Japanese invaders. Mao organized the defence against the invading foreign army while the capitalists were only interested in killing the people of the nation. Eventually the Nationalist party leader Chang Kai-shek realized the Japanese were destroying the country. The communists gave people guns in order to defend themselves and attack those doing harm to them.

In the revolutionary era the people were armed, people carried their guns into work. Some carried them out into the fields as they did agricultural work. Communist China didn’t ban people from having guns they were the ones that gave it out, capitalist China did ban them. Oh, and unlike certain YouTube video making Pastors and pro gun websites, I have sources in the description.