Political situation in Sweden: Corona, migration, fascism and anti-fascism

Political situation in Sweden: Corona, migration, fascism and anti-fascism (YouTube)

In comparison to other countries, there was never a lockdown in Sweden, but rather recommendations to follow. While many of us started working from home, we could still have a social life. For example, when going to the pub, we could go out and have fun with friends, but according to restrictions, you’d have to keep 1.5 meter away from other companies.

Trump’s Final Days of Rage and Denial

Trump’s Final Days of Rage and Denial

He has been enabled by Republican leaders unwilling to stand up to him, even if many privately wish he would go away sooner rather than later. After being called “profiles in cowardice” by an ally of the president, 75 Republican state legislators from Pennsylvania on Friday disavowed their own election and called on Congress to reject the state’s electors for Mr. Biden. Only 25 of 249 Republican members of Congress surveyed by The Washington Post publicly acknowledged Mr. Biden’s victory.


Trump demands names of the congressional Republicans who said they recognize Biden as winner

Secret MEK troll factory in Albania uses modern slaves

Secret MEK troll factory in Albania uses modern slaves

Albania already has serious problems with mafia gangs and criminals. But this newly imported problem cannot be ignored simply because they are a foreign group hidden away from public scrutiny. It cannot be ignored because the group is supported at the highest levels in the Trump administration. This is a human rights issue and continued exploitation of these victims should not be tolerated – which country condones, let alone legally sanctions the use of slaves? The US pledged money to Albania to de-radicalize and rehabilitate MEK members in Albania as ordinary citizens. It is time now for that to be actioned.


MEK members run group’s online information operations from France, Albania: Murtaza Hussain