Legal experts quickly push back on Texas AG’s attempt to overturn election

Legal experts quickly push back on Texas AG’s attempt to overturn election

Under federal law, election disputes are supposed to be resolved by six days before the Electoral College meets, a deadline known as safe harbor, which is today. The electors officially cast their ballots for president on Monday.


With case pending in state court, Wisconsin is only state to miss election safe-harbor deadline

Paxton, who is under a federal bribery investigation, alleges Wisconsin “exploited” the coronavirus pandemic to ignore election rules, which affected the outcome of the Nov. 3 election.

“Think of the irony. We have a Texas Attorney General who is being investigated by the FBI for various improprieties … and he teams up with President Trump to try to take away the votes of the people of Wisconsin,” Gov. Tony Evers told reporters on Tuesday. “It’s irony but it’s not funny irony. It’s extraordinarily sad.”

Ex-Cybersecurity Chief Sues Trump Lawyer Over Insane Death Threat

Ex-Cybersecurity Chief Sues Trump Lawyer Over Insane Death Threat

According to the lawsuit, Krebs had to briefly leave his home due to the threats he and his family were receiving. One of Krebs’ children asked him, “Daddy’s going to get executed?” the suit says. “Plaintiff constantly thinks to himself: ‘Will I have to walk with eyes in the back of my head for the rest of my life?’” the lawsuit adds.

Palantir will soon help the FDA evaluate drugs, including COVID-19 treatments

Palantir will soon help the FDA evaluate drugs, including COVID-19 treatments

Although it isn’t clear if the Biden administration will continue to expand federal work with Palantir, the process of distributing vaccines provides another logistical opportunity for the controversial company. Tracking which individuals have received both doses of a vaccine is work that sounds very much in Palantir’s wheelhouse.

Maduro’s socialist alliance victory in Venezuela’s National Assembly poll is a failure of US sanctions & regime change policy

Maduro’s socialist alliance victory in Venezuela’s National Assembly poll is a failure of US sanctions & regime change policy

For now, Trump’s policy of trying to provoke regime change in Venezuela has failed. But sadly, while the US president’s policies towards Venezuela have been cruel indeed, they are nothing more than an acceleration of the sanctions begun by President Obama in 2015. And it is clear that in one form or another presumed President-elect Joe Biden will continue the regime change efforts of both of these prior administrations, along with the sanctions. In short, there will be no rest for the weary in Venezuela.