Naomi Klein: Gatekeeper Extraordinaire

Veteran journalist lines up alongside the mainstream, attacking “conspiracy theorists” and “covid denialism”.

By Cat Maguire & Colleen Maguire

With a title like The Great Reset Conspiracy Smoothie, it appears Naomi Klein is trying too hard to recapture her prowess at defining a meme. Her buzz-concept, “Shock Doctrine,” is spot-on and rightfully successful. But her “Screen New Deal” about Silicon Valley technocrats fizzled.

Naomi Klein: Gatekeeper Extraordinaire


Naomi Klein’s Great Reset Hit Piece Slurpee

Australia Sabotaged Its Own Interests in China Relations

Australia Sabotaged Its Own Interests in China Relations

But the consequences will be great. Australia will be needlessly poorer, more isolated from our region, and more dependent on the uncertain protection of faraway Five Eyes friends. Without a dialogue with China, our necessary engagement with our region will be handicapped. Lee Kuan Yew’s friendly warning — “be careful or you will be the poor white trash of Asia” — comes back now to haunt us.

‘Defund Them!’ Back the Blue Supporters Realize Cops Don’t Stop Crime & Lose Their Minds

‘Defund Them!’ Back the Blue Supporters Realize Cops Don’t Stop Crime & Lose Their Minds

Democratic and Republican AGs Push Back on Indicted TX AG Ken Paxton Lawsuit

Democratic and Republican AGs Push Back on Indicted TX AG Ken Paxton Lawsuit

DAGA Co-Chairs called for Ken Paxton to resign in October.

Ken Paxton is indicted on securities fraud and currently awaits trial.

Ken Paxton is under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Ken Paxton fired seven senior staffers who whisleblew on his potentially illegal behavior earlier this year.

Ken Paxton served as the Chair of the Republican AG Association and currently serves as Co-Chair of Lawyers for Trump.


With election lawsuit, Ken Paxton — like Donald Trump — makes a Hail Mary play

If it succeeds, the lawsuit would radically alter the high court’s standard for hearing cases directly from states, critics and many legal experts say, and set a dangerous precedent that judges have the power to alter election results. “Dangerous garbage, but garbage,” said elections law expert Rick Hasen.

Seeking ‘Biggest Incident of Voter Nullification’ in US History, 18 Republican AGs Back Texas Effort to Overturn Biden Win

Seeking ‘Biggest Incident of Voter Nullification’ in US History, 18 Republican AGs Back Texas Effort to Overturn Biden Win

Texas doesn’t have standing to raise these claims as it has no say over how other states choose electors; it could raise these issues in other cases and does not need to go straight to the Supreme Court; it waited too late to sue; the remedy Texas suggests of disenfranchising tens of millions of voters after the fact is unconstitutional; there’s no reason to believe the voting conducted in any of the states was done unconstitutionally; it’s too late for the Supreme Court to grant a remedy even if the claims were meritorious (they are not).

Richard Hasen, University of California Law Professor

Koch-Funded ALEC Planned Since February To Claim The Election Was Stolen From Trump

Koch-Funded ALEC Planned Since February To Claim The Election Was Stolen From Trump
Lisa Nelson told a room full of conservative activists that ALEC had been working with three GOP attorneys on “action items that legislators can take to question the validity of an election.”

More details:


Videotape Reveals Corporate-Funded Plan To Try To Overturn A Trump Loss