The Real Crime Isn’t Australian War Crimes—but a Chinese Political Cartoon About Australian War Crimes

If you think that this cartoon is pretending to be a news photograph of an actual war crime, you might need to brush up on your visual literacy skills.

Is information inherently less trustworthy and authoritative because the source is Chinese? It’s a question Westerners must grapple with as the US government and corporate journalists intensify their online “psychological operations” against China to manipulate public opinion in support of another Cold War (, 5/15/20).

The Real Crime Isn’t Australian War Crimes—but a Chinese Political Cartoon About Australian War Crimes

Cynical US Policy on Syria Revealed: Block the Russians and Iranians, Destroy the Economy, to Hell with the People

By Peter Ford | 21st Century Wire | December 15, 2020

The Rambo of the State Department is leaving. James Jeffrey, the outgoing Syria envoy, boasts about his achievements in a recent candid interview with Al-Monitor which with no sense of shame opens up to public gaze the cynicism, callousness and sheer power-crazedness of US policy on Syria, conducted as though it were a video game or a game of Monopoly.

Cynical US Policy on Syria Revealed: Block the Russians and Iranians, Destroy the Economy, to Hell with the People

I don’t believe that Trump would “apply the brakes,” though!

Stop Pushing Yemen Deeper Into Famine

Stop Pushing Yemen Deeper Into Famine

The U.N. made another appeal to the Trump administration not to designate the Houthis as a terrorist organization. The head of the World Food Program met with Pompeo to warn of the devastating effect that the designation would have on the population:

“In recent weeks, officials from the United Nations and aid groups have issued increasingly urgent warnings about the potential designation, saying it could dramatically worsen already dire conditions in Yemen by reducing the amount of lifesaving aid and commercial imports moving into the country.”

Iraq to sue US over sovereignty violation, use of depleted uranium weapons: Official

Press TV – December 14, 2020

An advisor to the Iraqi parliament’s foreign affairs committee says the Baghdad government is planning to lodge an international lawsuit against the United States for violating the country’s sovereignty and using internationally-banned munitions in civilian areas.

Iraq to sue US over sovereignty violation, use of depleted uranium weapons: Official