Ali Kinani, 9 years old, was killed by Blackwater guards in Baghdad #Trump just pardoned his killers.

Who are the criminals and fascists? Donald Trump’s decision to pardon four Blackwater contractors involved in the 2007 slaughter of Iraqi civilians was met with a tsunami of anger and resentment online from people calling it a travesty of justice. President Donald Trump announced on Tuesday evening that he is issuing 15 full pardons and commuting the punishments of five convicts to time served. Four of the people given clemency were former employees of the infamous private military company Blackwater.

Ali Kinani, 9 years old, was killed by Blackwater guards in Baghdad #Trump just pardoned his killers.


Russia imposes sanctions on German officials as Navalny story assumes farcical character

Russia imposes sanctions on German officials as Navalny story assumes farcical character

The feverish quality of the concocted stories about “Navalny’s poisoning” must serve as a deadly serious warning to the working class about the advanced character of the war preparations against Russia. No lie is too big, and no story too absurd, to not be employed in the service of war propaganda.

President Trump’s Post-Election Conduct and ‘Threats’ Violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, Civil Rights Groups Allege

President Trump’s Post-Election Conduct and ‘Threats’ Violated the Ku Klux Klan Act, Civil Rights Groups Allege

“Under the specter of preventing ‘fraud,’ defendants engaged in a conspiracy, executed through a coordinated effort, to disenfranchise voters by disrupting vote counting efforts, lodging groundless challenges during recounts, and attempting to block certification of election results through intimidation and coercion of election officials and volunteers,” their new complaint filed late on Monday states. “These systematic efforts – violations of the [Voting Rights Act] and the Ku Klux Klan Act – have largely been directed at major metropolitan areas with large Black voter populations. These include Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Philadelphia, and others. Defendants have not directed these efforts at predominantly white areas.”