A Day in the Life of Fighting Dictatorship and Neocolonialism

The day begins the night before. The cadre of hope dodge sleep and the police. Under the cover of night and the ancestors, they spray-paint the walls of Port-au-Prince to encourage communities to unite and rise up: “Aba enperyalis, Aba Jovenel!” (Down with imperialism! Down with Jovenel.) “PHTK, Bann volè.” (The PHTK – Haitian Bald Headed Party – is a bunch of thieves.) “Kote kòb PetroCaribe?” (Where is the PetroCaribe money?)

A Day in the Life of Fighting Dictatorship and Neocolonialism


Haiti Solidarity Rally at Organization of American States in Washington, D.C.

As State Dep’t talks ‘2-state solution,’ reporter asks about Israeli killing of his cousin

Joe Biden’s administration has not changed Middle East policy much from Trump, but one good thing it has done is restore State Department briefings, so the public gets a window on policy-making. And a few reporters have insisted on asking questions about Palestinian human rights– as the AP’s Matt Lee did dramatically last week.

As State Dep’t talks ‘2-state solution,’ reporter asks about Israeli killing of his cousin