Oil Spill Caused By Israeli Attacks On Iranian Oil Bound for Syria

Oil Spill Caused By Israeli Attacks On Iranian Oil Bound for Syria

To summarize: Israel attacked Iranian fuel supplies going by sea to Syria thereby causing an oil spill on its own beaches. It also exposed itself to additional retaliation measures against Israeli owned ships by Iran, which naturally officially denied any involvement.

U.S. officials then leak the whole scheme to the WSJ to stop Netanyahoo from continuing the self-defeating campaign.

Answering The Empire’s (and the Fake Left’s) Campaign of Baldfaced Lies Against China

Answering The Empire’s (and the Fake Left’s) Campaign of Baldfaced Lies Against China

“In a time of great need the US government is letting its citizens freeze, go broke, get evicted, and die of preventable illnesses, so obviously it’s of paramount importance right now that Americans rise up with one voice and direct their righteous anger at China. I’m developing a special disdain for people who mindlessly regurgitate US anti-China narratives, especially people who are normally skeptical of US government claims. There’s just no excuse for this nonsense. The geostrategic agendas are so obvious, the barefaced liars so familiar, and the facts so readily available for anyone intellectually honest enough to look”.

Caitlin Johnstone.

Biden’s retaliatory cyberattacks against Russia are folly

Biden’s retaliatory cyberattacks against Russia are folly

The planned response to the SolarWinds hack reflects a much deeper problem in the Washington establishment’s attitudes and policy: the belief that the United States can unilaterally set the rules of the international system, and yet set different rules for itself whenever it feels an urgent need to do so. This was never an approach that was going to be accepted by other powerful states. In the area of cybersecurity it makes even less sense, for the internet really is (in many bad ways, alas) a great leveler. To adapt a famous meme: on the internet nobody knows that you are the only superpower.