Western propaganda on Xinjiang often sounds like white supremacists

Western propaganda on Xinjiang often sounds like white supremacists

And herein lies the real problem. While living standards in the West – both economic and moral – are largely either declining or have stagnated, life in China is improving day by day. But Chinese people are supposed to be oppressed and poor. Seeing them grow rich irritates the propagandists to no end. Perhaps they can shout “It’s the birth rates” into the void to alleviate the pain.

Turning The Clock Back To 2001 – CIA, Others Prepare A New Resistance Against The Taliban

Turning The Clock Back To 2001 – CIA, Others Prepare A New Resistance Against The Taliban

The retreat from Afghanistan does not sit well with the CIA and other secret services. They know that the Taliban will soon overwhelm the Afghan government and again rule the country. But they want to keep their foothold in Afghanistan to continue their meddling and to act against various presumed enemies be they Iran, Pakistan or China. There is also the drug business which makes for some nice off-the-books funding.


Spy Agencies Seek New Afghan Allies as U.S. Withdraws