Is the US embassy in China recruiting ‘traitors’?

Is the US embassy in China recruiting ‘traitors’?

Of course they are: Origins of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1949-1950

Give me a hundred million dollars and a thousand dedicated people, and I will guarantee to generate such a wave of democratic unrest among the masses–yes, even among the soldiers–of Stalin’s own empire, that all his problems for a long period of time to come will be internal. I can find the people.

Sidney Hook, 1949


Congress’s fixation with China’s ‘malign influence’ undermines Americans’ civil liberties and security

Section 136, which also is not included in the McCaul bill, would authorize appropriations totaling $500 million over FY22-26 not only to support U.S. state media such as Radio Free Asia, but also to fund training for “local media” and “independent media,” in efforts to “combat Chinese disinformation.” Funds would target coverage aimed at discrediting Chinese activities such as the Belt and Road Initiative.

Ukrainian ultranationalist lobby flaunts influence over Biden, blocks top Russia expert’s appointment

Matthew Rojansky is the head of the Kennan Institute, a notable think tank at the US government-funded Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington. Despite his well-established expertise on Russia and lengthy record of leadership on the issue, he has been judged “too soft” to work in the Biden White House.

Ukrainian ultranationalist lobby flaunts influence over Biden, blocks top Russia expert’s appointment


Currently listening to: Moss Robeson on Biden and His Banderite Buddies (Opens in YouTube)

Chinese businessman with links to Steve Bannon is driving force for a sprawling disinformation network, researchers say

Chinese businessman with links to Steve Bannon is driving force for a sprawling disinformation network, researchers say

What do ASPI, Bellingcat, and Graphika have in common (besides Guo Wengui)?! 🤔

Retweeting through the Great Firewall


Who is Guo Wengui?

Scientists said claims about China creating the coronavirus were misleading. They went viral anyway.

Some BS story about China, involving Apple and Guo – Censorship, Surveillance and Profits: A Hard Bargain for Apple in China