[1997] Government lied to public about UFO sightings, CIA admits

Government lied to public about UFO sightings, CIA admits

“Over half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s through the 1960s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance flights” over the United States, the CIA study says. “This led the Air Force to make misleading and deceptive statements to the public in order to allay public fears and to protect an extraodrinary sensitive national security project.”


CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90

Coalition Pushing Beijing Olympics Boycott Comprised of US-Funded Destabilization NGOs

A syndicate of interconnected NGOs funded by the US government and hellbent on Balkanizing China is behind the #BoycottBeijing2022 campaign.

Coalition Pushing Beijing Olympics Boycott Comprised of US-Funded Destabilization NGOs


India: COVID-19 cases plummet as the country turns to Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (H/T: The Free)

UPDATED May 17, 2021 – State of Tamil Nadu halts use of Ivermectin. Just like that, despite Ivermectin saving lives, The Hindu is reporting that the state health department removed Ivermectin from its case management protocols. This is murder with malice, no matter how you slice it.

More information and charts:

India Just Became Latest Country to Approve Use of Ivermectin to Treat Covid-19

Marwa Osman on Israel’s genocide of Gaza, and the new precedent of united regional Resistance

A very informative discussion with Beirut-based journalist and political analyst Marwa Osman, on the litany of Israeli crimes against Palestinians in Gaza during Israel’s horrifying bombardment of the beseiged and densely inhabited Gaza Strip.

Marwa Osman on Israel’s genocide of Gaza, and the new precedent of united regional Resistance

Watch video on YouTube: Marwa Osman on Israel’s genocide of Gaza, and the new precedent of united regional Resistance