Greetings from “New Normal” Germany!

On April 1, 1933, shortly after Hitler was appointed chancellor, the Nazis staged a boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany. Members of the Storm Troopers (“die Sturmabteilung,” or the “Storm Department,” as I like to think of them) stood around outside of Jewish-owned stores with Gothic-lettered placards reading “Germans! Defend yourselves! Do not buy from Jews!” The boycott itself was a total disaster — most Germans ignored it and just went on with their lives — but it was the beginning of the official persecution of the Jews and totalitarianism in Nazi Germany.

Greetings from “New Normal” Germany!

Yellow Peril Emerges Again After 150 Years (video)

Here’s a quick video based on my new book, looking at the toxic Yellow peril hysteria sweeping through the United States. However, this is not new and is just a rehashing of the Sinophobia from the 19th century. After the Opium Wars — in which the USA was an active participant — the British and the Americans exploited Chinese workers, who were sent to America, Australia (British colony at that time) and elsewhere. In the U.S., Chinese faced all kinds of racist and discriminatory laws for many decades until 1882 when the Chinese Exclusion Act specifically banned all Chinese immigrants. This appalling law lasted until 1943 when the U.S. wanted China’s help in defeating Japan; also, the U.S. wanted to install its puppet Chiang Kai-shek as the leader of China. So, the law was modified to allow whopping … 105 Chinese … per year to come to the U.S.!

Yellow Peril Emerges Again After 150 Years (video)

Federal Judge Dismisses Steve Bannon’s Indictment Due to Trump Pardon, But Not Without a Parting Shot

Federal Judge Dismisses Steve Bannon’s Indictment Due to Trump Pardon, But Not Without a Parting Shot

Before ending her ruling, Torres extensively cited case law suggesting Bannon’s acceptance of the pardon acknowledged the truth behind allegations that he conspired to defraud donors of the non-profit We Build the Wall and pocketing the loot through money laundering.

Quoting another 19th century ruling from the New Jersey Supreme Court, Torres wrote: “Pardon implies guilt.”