Vax Passports: Where Your State Stands

Alliance for Natural Health | May 27, 2021

As more Americans get vaccinated against COVID-19, and vaccination recommendations extend to younger and younger Americans, we are starting to see more efforts to require vaccination as a condition of receiving services, as we’ve seen at American universities. This endangers autoimmune patients who are more at risk of serious adverse events following COVID vaccination. States can take a stand for medical freedom and privacy rights. To prevent de facto vaccine mandates that endanger millions of patients, we must encourage state leaders to take action to protect our health.

Vax Passports: Where Your State Stands

Today I saw Syrians dancing and celebrating life, and a return to peace – but, of course, the Western media won’t report that

Although the West has waged 10 years of war on Syria, and there is much destruction, the entire country isn’t in ruins and the pulse of life continues, albeit strangled by brutal Western sanctions.

Today I saw Syrians dancing and celebrating life, and a return to peace – but, of course, the Western media won’t report that


YouTube: Defiant Syrians celebrate reelection of President Assad, shun Western war on & interference in Syria

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