SHTF Moment Coming: New Study Shows Covid-19 Had to Have Been Made in a Lab

SHTF Moment Coming: New Study Shows Covid-19 Had to Have Been Made in a Lab

I smell a foreign intelligence op.

Dalgleish/Sorensen published a prior study, blaming China, which was rejected twice before eventually being published in Cambridge University’s Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery. One of the authors, John Fredrik Moxnes (who asked to have his name removed) has ties to the Norwegian military. Sir Richard Dearlove (former head of MI6), featured in this article, graduated from Cambridge University, himself*

QRB Discovery is published by Cambridge University Press, despite what the Telegraph article stated (were they hiding something?!).

*Cambridge University seems to be a recruiting ground for MI5/MI6.

More notes (to be updated):

Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance: Largest Funders Are Pentagon, USAID (State Department, CIA)

they want your blood

As soon as the narrative started to shift on Israel’s massacre in Gaza and the apartheid reality of daily Israeli life, a curious thing happened: overnight, anti-Jewish violence suddenly became a huge thing in America. Politicians across America are denouncing this “threat” to us Jews, and all sorts of Jewish Zionist influencers are flooding their Facebook, TikTok and Twitter feeds with horror stories about how terrified they are. Now that the Palestinians are in control of the narrative, there’s no telling what kind of violence will happen!

they want your blood

Birds of a Fascist Feather: Why Israel Is Aiding Colombia’s Crackdown on Protesters

BOGATA — For exactly one month now, a nationwide strike has crippled Colombia and has been met with deadly repression by the far-right government of Ivan Duque. As trade unions have shut down major cities, halting mass transit and bringing economic gridlock to the country, government forces have responded with violence. According to government figures, at least 44 people have been killed in protests that began on April 28. A further 500 people have been “disappeared,” more than 100 shot with live fire, and at least 28 have been wounded in the eye by police, the notorious ESMAD riot squad, or by paramilitary organizations linked to the state.

Birds of a Fascist Feather: Why Israel Is Aiding Colombia’s Crackdown on Protesters

Statement from the International Delegation to the 2021 Syrian Presidential Election

Syria Solidarity Movement | May 29, 2021

This independent delegation was assembled to witness the May 26, 2021 presidential election in Syria and to investigate on-the-ground conditions of Syrian life in the current period. Activists and journalists from Palestine, Syria, South Africa, France, Canada, and the United States joined this delegation on the invitation of the Syria Solidarity Movement and Arab Americans 4 Syria. This joint statement summarizes our findings on the election and what it means for Syrians.

Statement from the International Delegation to the 2021 Syrian Presidential Election

An Opportunity That Can’t Be Passed: On Blinken’s Historic Meeting With Palestinian Activists

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — In an unprecedented and welcome move, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with four grassroots Palestinian activists in Ramallah yesterday. The four activists were Hadeel Qazzaz from Gaza, Aref Husseini from Jerusalem, Dalal Irikat, the daughter of the late Saeb Iriqat, and Issa Amro from Hebron. I met Issa in Hebron immediately after his meeting with Blinken, and there was a great deal of coverage about the groundbreaking detente.

An Opportunity That Can’t Be Passed: On Blinken’s Historic Meeting With Palestinian Activists

The United States Is a Serial Nuclear Aggressor Whose Moral Bankruptcy Threatens World Peace

The United States Is a Serial Nuclear Aggressor Whose Moral Bankruptcy Threatens World Peace

Now at the age of 90, Daniel Ellsberg has dropped another media bombshell – that the Pentagon was ready to attack China and its major cities with nuclear weapons in 1958. The details were published by the New York Times. But it is perturbing that the shocking revelations barely caused a ripple in the U.S. media. There were no editorials condemning the plan which indicates a complacency among the U.S. media bordering on acquiescence towards such criminal action. This complacency is deeply alarming given the present dangers of war stemming from Washington’s provocations towards China and Russia.