Stop harassing the unvaccinated

Stop harassing the unvaccinated

So, stop harassing them. The left believes in “my body, my choice” when it comes to abortion, but not when it comes to vaccination. Unlike abortion, vaccine hesitancy poses virtually no risk of death to others who are otherwise healthy human beings. Refusing to get vaccinated may be a bad health choice, but people make bad health choices all the time. They smoke, drink to excess, abuse prescription drugs and engage in all sorts of risky behaviors.

Pentagon documents reveal DOD bullies forcing movie and TV producers to accept their ‘assistance’

By Tom Secker | RT | August 5, 2021

For the first time, the US military’s central office for dealing with Hollywood has re-leased internal reports on its operations, revealing how the Department of Defense strong-armed the industry to achieve its propaganda goals.

Pentagon documents reveal DOD bullies forcing movie and TV producers to accept their ‘assistance’

Jeff Bezos says everything will be ok

The climate crisis may be dire, with ever more frequent and increasingly devastating floods and wildfires, with killer droughts and heatwaves across the globe, with oceans warming 40% faster and arctic ice sheets melting 70% faster than had been predicted a mere five years ago, with arctic permafrost melting and belching super-greenhouse methane into the atmosphere, and with carbon emissions from fossil fuel combustion continuing to rise year on year regardless.

Jeff Bezos says everything will be ok


Climate Capitalists/Green Capitalism