Update: 60 Hours After Publishing A Fake News Report On Afghanistan The New York Times Still Spreads The Story + To Disparage Taliban NYT, CNN Quote Hoax Twitter Account, Create Fake Story

60 Hours After Publishing A Fake News Report On Afghanistan The New York Times Still Spreads The Story

28 September 2021 — Moon of Alabama

Gareth Porter has described how Corporate media stirred global terror hysteria to push postwar hostility toward new Afghan govt:

Following the Taliban’s victory over the U.S. military, U.S. corporate media has churned out a new narrative about the imminent threat of terrorism from Afghanistan that sets the stage for future military interventions. Blasted out in a stunningly disciplined fashion, the media has demonstrated as clearly as ever its coordination with the national security state and advancements of its interests.

The badmouthing of the Taliban government continues.

Today the New York Times as well as CNN ran a fake story intended to put the Taliban into a bad light:

New Taliban Chancellor Bars Women From Kabul University

To Disparage Taliban NYT, CNN Quote Hoax Twitter Account, Create Fake Story