Birth Pangs: Israel,Syria, Russia, Usrael Kurds etc.,

Birth Pangs: Israel,Syria, Russia, Usrael Kurds etc.,

Putin has been trying to breathe life into the Adana agreement for two years—an agreement between Damascus and Ankara struck in 1998 to maintain a buffer zone along the Turkish-Syrian border. Not only would it restore security ties between Syria and Turkey, but also stabilize the entire border area. Originally created to root out the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)—deemed a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US, and European Union—from Syria, the Adana agreement gives the Turks the right to enter up to five kilometers into Syrian territory in pursuit of the PKK.

Adana. The Adana Agreement- This has been talked about for longer then two years by Putin. Wonder how it is I’m aware of this fact? Why, I wrote about it more then once at my defunct blog. Have no fear, dear reader, I’m going to set to work digging up those old reports and drag them here. Because this is where they belong and this old agreement between Syria and Turkey may come into play? Depends on UsraelKurds of course. As well as France, Germany and others.


Washington or Moscow: decision-time for Erdogan in northern Syria + What Syria’s Kurds “Think” They are Fighting For Versus Reality

British propaganda campaign incited mass slaughter of communists in Indonesia in 1960s, declassified papers reveal

RT | October 17, 2021

British spies played a part in the mass murder of Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) members in the 1960s, urging locals, including army generals, to “cut out” the “communist cancer,” declassified papers have revealed.

British propaganda campaign incited mass slaughter of communists in Indonesia in 1960s, declassified papers reveal


No, The US Didn’t ‘Stand By’ Indonesian Genocide—It Actively Participated

Washington or Moscow: decision-time for Erdogan in northern Syria + What Syria’s Kurds “Think” They are Fighting For Versus Reality

Washington or Moscow: decision-time for Erdogan in northern Syria


What Syria’s Kurds “Think” They are Fighting For Versus Reality

Greater Kurdistan: A Work in Progress Brought to You by NATO, President Peace Prize and… Israel

The SDF equals the YPG/PKK/Kurds: A timeline of the PKK’s war on Turkey: 1974-2019