The Metaverse Is Big Brother in Disguise: Freedom Meted Out by Technological Tyrants

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute | November 9, 2021

Welcome to the Matrix (i.e. the metaverse), where reality is virtual, freedom is only as free as one’s technological overlords allow, and artificial intelligence is slowly rendering humanity unnecessary, inferior and obsolete.

The Metaverse Is Big Brother in Disguise: Freedom Meted Out by Technological Tyrants

Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for Covid rules to have bank accounts raided and property siezed

Dystopia Down Under Women System | November 7, 2021

As if the dystopian hell Australians are dealing with wasn’t bad enough already, residents of the country’s 2nd largest state are now at risk of losing the money in their bank accounts, their homes or other property, and even their driving privileges, if they do not pay their fines from breaking any of the tyrannical government’s draconian Covid rules in a timely manner.

Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for Covid rules to have bank accounts raided and property siezed