U.S. Doesn’t Fear “Foreign Meddling,” It Fears Internal Revolt, Part I, by Rainer Shea

by Rainer Shea

Writer, Dandelion Salad

Rainer Shea: Anti-Imperialist Journalist, Nov. 20, 2021

December 2, 2021

This article is Part One in a series I’m doing on American collapse, and on how this has the potential to lead to a civil war within U.S. borders.

The “imperial boomerang” effect—where the types of violence an empire commits abroad inevitably become directed at that empire’s own people—is caused by the fact that actions have consequences. When a country subjugates other peoples, this has repercussions for those within that country. A society built on exploitation and violence can’t last. Whether that society wants to face it or not, its greed comes at a cost.

U.S. Doesn’t Fear “Foreign Meddling,” It Fears Internal Revolt, Part I, by Rainer Shea