Delicensing Doctors for ‘Harmful Misinformation’

By Jane M. Orient, M.D. | Assosiation of American Physicians and Surgeons | December 17, 2021

In addition to being subjected to various forms of censorship, for the first time in living memory American doctors are getting threat letters from licensure boards warning them against distributing “harmful misinformation.” Medical boards in 12 states have disciplined doctors because of this allegation. While it is claimed that there’s an epidemic of misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, the warnings don’t spell out what that means.

Delicensing Doctors for ‘Harmful Misinformation’

Resolution for 2022: Dare to Build Your Own Opinions and Then Defend Them!


Anyone who has followed the political culture in the US, Canada, UK, EU over the past twenty years must have realized that a war on epistemology, on truth, on semantics is going on. We witness the hijacking of concepts like democracy, freedom, peace, patriotism, human rights — and their instrumentalization for domestic and geopolitical purposes. We observe a process of language destruction not unlike what Orwell foresaw in his sadly visionary book 1984. “Newspeak” is not the future, it is now, hic et nunc. We recognize it in the jargon of political correctness, the language and practice of the “cancel culture”.

COUNTERPUNCH: Resolution for 2022: Dare to Build Your Own Opinions and Then Defend Them!

US Halts Antibody Treatments over Efficacy Concerns- But Continues to Push Leaky Vaxx?

Here’s my thinking..

The antibody treatments have been quite successful. Most probably people were preferring them as a treatment over the toxic jab. Making the technocratic control/tracking tyranny most unhappy. So they halted the use of these treatments. That’s a form of coercion my friends.

US Halts Antibody Treatments over Efficacy Concerns- But Continues to Push Leaky Vaxx?


U.S. pauses allocation of Regeneron, Lilly COVID-19 antibodies