Biden on Covid: ‘No Federal Solution’

If this is what he now thinks, then rescind OSHA’s vaccine mandate.

Biden on Covid: ‘No Federal Solution’


More Americans have died of the virus in 2021 than in all of 2020.

President Biden may not recall what he said during a 2020 campaign debate last fall, but Americans should: “Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.” At the time the U.S. had recorded 220,000 Covid deaths.

Covid deaths this year have now surpassed the toll in 2020 with 350,000 since Inauguration Day. It would seem that Mr. Biden has done no better than Donald Trump in defeating Covid despite the benefit of vaccines, better therapies, and more clinical experience. The left politicized Covid by holding Mr. Trump responsible for a disease that was always going to be hard to defeat.

Why is Israel Amending Its Open-Fire Policy: Three Possible Answers

By Ramzy Baroud | MEMO | December 28, 2021

At the outset, the Israeli military decision to revise its open-fire policies in the occupied West Bank seems puzzling. What would be the logic of giving Israeli soldiers the space to shoot more Palestinians when existing army manuals had already granted them near-total immunity and little legal accountability?

Why is Israel Amending Its Open-Fire Policy: Three Possible Answers

What If U.S., NATO Talks Are Cover for More Aggression Towards Russia? by Finian Cunningham

by Finian Cunningham Writer, Dandelion Salad, Ireland, Crossposted from Strategic Culture Foundation, Dec. 27, 2021, Dec. 28, 2021

If there are no prompt responses to Russia’s legitimate security concerns, then the next phase entails a more robust military-technical realm.

What If U.S., NATO Talks Are Cover for More Aggression Towards Russia? by Finian Cunningham

A More Aggressive Israel Lobby Is Coming in 2022


Those Americans who dare to challenge the strangle-hold that Israel and its friends have over US foreign policy will likely find themselves targeted even more aggressively in the upcoming year. Two weeks ago the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), widely reckoned to be the largest and most powerful component of the Jewish state’s lobby, declared that it will now begin directly funding political candidates who are perceived as pro-Israel. Up until now, AIPAC has preferred to operate somewhat in the shadows, representing itself as a organization that is in part “educational” to justify its 501(c)3 tax exempt status which it uses to send all new congressmen on propaganda trips to Israel.

A More Aggressive Israel Lobby Is Coming in 2022

New York Democrat introduces new social media censorship bill

The bill aims to curb people’s speech by targeting platforms By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim The Net | December 27, 2021

If a state senator got his way, the state of New York could soon get a new law aimed at regulating what content can appear on social media. The bill is designed to circumvent existing federal-level solutions in some instances and is reportedly inspired by internal documents leaked by former Facebook employee Frances Haugen.

New York Democrat introduces new social media censorship bill