Attack of the Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers!

Sergei Bobylev / TASS

CJ Hopkins

They rolled up on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill like one of the plagues in the Book of Revelations, honking their infernal air horns, the grills of their tractors grinning demonically, the sides of their dry vans painted with blasphemies like “FREEDOM TO CHOOSE,” “MANDATE FREEDOM,” “NO VACCINE MANDATES,” and “UNITED AGAINST TYRANNY.”

Attack of the Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers!

Smedley Butler Wasn’t Kidding, by David Swanson

by David Swanson

Writer, Dandelion Salad

Let’s Try Democracy

February 4, 2022

Smedley Butler is generally left out of U.S. history. If you bring up a guy who prevented a Wall Street coup against FDR, you do real damage to the tale of peaceful respect for government from the beginning of time up through January 6, 2021. If you mention the scandal that erupted when he recounted how Mussolini had run over a little girl with his car, it’s hard to leave out the U.S. government’s friendly relations with Mussolini.

Smedley Butler Wasn’t Kidding, by David Swanson


Why Smedley Butler left the imperialist front despising ‘Gangsters of Capitalism’

The Retired General Who Stopped a Wall Street Coup

Smedley Butler on Interventionism