CIA veteran hosting anti-China ‘Uyghur diaspora’ podcast funded by US government

The “WEghur Stories” podcast claims to speak on behalf of “the Uyghur diaspora,” and uses intersectional feminist rhetoric to demonize China. But it’s co-created and hosted by an ex CIA agent, with funding from the US embassy in France.

CIA veteran hosting anti-China ‘Uyghur diaspora’ podcast funded by US government


Chinese- and Russian-funded journalism is ‘disinformation,’ but when Washington spends millions on ‘independent’ news outlets and buying journalists to get favourable coverage of its policies, it’s called ‘spreading information.’

The cynical hypocrisy of the world’s No1 propagandist: US pledges $300mn to fund massive global anti-China media machine

Peter Thiel to Exit Meta’s Board to Support Trump-Aligned Candidates

Peter Thiel to Exit Meta’s Board to Support Trump-Aligned Candidates


International Finance’s Anti-China Crusade

Peter Thiel Once Wrote That Women Getting The Vote Was Bad For Democracy

Lord of the Roths: How Tech Mogul Peter Thiel Turned a Retirement Account for the Middle Class Into a $5 Billion Tax-Free Piggy Bank

Billionaire ‘philosopher king’ Peter Thiel loves monopolies — democracy not so much

Competition Is for Losers

Peter Thiel: Why Monopolies Are a Good Thing (video)

Why Billionaire Peter Thiel Opposes Direct Democracy

$9.8M lawsuit targets convoy leaders after GoFundMe cuts off 10M fund; Tamara Lich quits Maverick Party board & Some Interesting Theories (Updated)

$9.8M lawsuit targets convoy leaders after GoFundMe cuts off 10M fund; Tamara Lich quits Maverick Party board

More & Some Interesting Theories:

‘Significant element’ from U.S. involved in self-described ‘Freedom Convoy’ in Canada, official says

Canada’s ‘freedom convoy’ exposes political missteps — and Donald Trump’s ominous legacy

Canada Must Investigate the Convoy Money

Startling Trump interference points to GoFundMe convoy campaign manipulation


Protest organizer: No intent to topple government … and no plan to leave until COVID mandates lifted