How to Debunk Atlantic Council’s Anti-China “Uyghur Genocide” Lies

Article: How to Debunk Atlantic Council’s Anti-China “Uyghur Genocide” Lies

YouTube: How to Debunk Atlantic Council’s Anti-China “Uyghur Genocide” Lies

The Atlantic Council has released a report claimed across the Western media to provide additional evidence of “genocide” in China’s western region of Xinjiang. However, in less than 5 minutes of research it is possible to expose the report as propaganda built on existing, baseless claims coupled to known information about World Bank and other institutions funding activities inside China.

I show how the Atlantic Council uses facts like World Bank funding to help sneak past readers otherwise baseless claims regarding “genocide,” “forced labor,” and other alleged abuses.

I discuss who is behind the Atlantic Council, why they are deliberately lying about China, and how by the Atlantic Council’s own admission, their goal is to subordinate China to US global interests.

These are videos made 3 times weekly (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) published first for Platinum Sponsors and above as well as for supporters on “Buy Me a Coffee,” then made public later on in the week. Thank you for your support and making this work possible!

The New Atlas on YouTube


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How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more

Meryl Nass, MD Alliance for Human Research Protection | June 28, 2020

Below, Dr. Meryl Nass reviews a long list of corrupt practices that undermine the integrity of medical science and the practice of medicine during the current medical crisis. The coronavirus crisis has been made significantly worse by stakeholders who are preventing doctors from prescribing for their patients, existing, safe and effective medicines, because the stakeholders are invested on garnering projected future profits from not-yet-developed vaccines and “countermeasures” specifically developed against COVID-19.

How a false hydroxychloroquine narrative was created, and more

Climate Lockdown – Beta version

The continued infantilisation of the population The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter | February 19, 2022

Today, in the UK we are experiencing a storm, storm Eunice. Apologies to my American friends but I can’t stand the naming of storms, a recent phenomenon, which we have borrowed from the US. This personification of weather, makes it more scary, as if we have made a weather God angry and it is punishing us.

Climate Lockdown – Beta version

Via: Aletho News