US Signals Putin’s Donbas Troop Deployment Might Not Trigger Massive ‘Invasion’ Sanctions + Perhaps The US Should Shut The Fuck Up About Respecting Other Countries’ Sovereignty

US Signals Putin’s Donbas Troop Deployment Might Not Trigger Massive ‘Invasion’ Sanctions


Perhaps The US Should Shut The Fuck Up About Respecting Other Countries’ Sovereignty

The US empire criticizing Russia for violating another nation’s sovereignty is like Jeffrey Dahmer criticizing someone else’s eating habits.


Details of Russia-Donbass cooperation treaty emerge

RT | February 21, 2022 – While the treaties of friendship and cooperation between Russia and the newly recognized republics of Donetsk and Lugansk are still in the draft stage, the Russian State Duma has released the proposed documents on Monday, showing that they will include common defense against external aggression and the right to use each other’s military infrastructure, among other things.

Details of Russia-Donbass cooperation treaty emerge

Politicians in Washington must stop scapegoating China for their own incompetence

The Hill Congress Blog: Politicians in Washington must stop scapegoating China for their own incompetence to solve domestic problems while fanning anti-Asian racism in an already divided society. Bucking the anti-China trend. 美國國會博客:華盛頓的政客們必須停止將中國作為自己無能解決國內問題的替罪羊,同時在一個已經分裂的社會中煽動反亞裔種族主義。 逆流而上。 2-17-22

Politicians in Washington must stop scapegoating China for their own incompetence
