Another Terrible Choice for Biden’s “Disinformation Board”

By Lev Golinkin | May 27, 2022

Michael Chertoff’s experience detaining Muslim Americans, justifying CIA torture, and helping to draft the Patriot Act make him an all-too-appropriate choice to advise this Orwellian agency.

Another Terrible Choice for Biden’s “Disinformation Board”

H/T: It’s NOT a joke, Biden’s Ministry of Truth just got WORSE | Redacted with Clayton Morris on YouTube.


Who’s propaganda?! 👇

“I have a greater respect for the American people than you do. I think the American people can figure out the truth,” the senator said. “And if you think the American people need to be told there’s not fentanyl in the vaccination, feel free to say it. But the thing is, is if you are going to go around saying that you’re the arbiter of information and of disinformation, I think you have no clue. And you don’t have the perspective of history knowing that disinformation, the largest progenitor of disinformation in our history, has probably been the U.S. government.”

“Do you know, the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world is? The U.S. government,” Paul said. “Are you familiar with McNamara? The Pentagon Papers? Are you familiar with George W. Bush and the weapons of mass destruction? Are you familiar with Iran-contra?”

“I mean, think of all the debates and disputes we’ve had over the last 50 years in our country,” Paul continued. “We worked them out by debating them. We don’t work them out by the government being the arbiter. I don’t want guardrails. I want you to have nothing to do with speech. You think we can’t determine, you know, speech by traffickers is disinformation. Do you think the American people are so stupid they need you to tell them what the truth is? You can’t even admit what the truth is with the Steele dossier. I don’t trust government to figure out what the truth is. Government is largely disseminating disinformation.”

Rand Paul grills Mayorkas on disinformation: ‘I don’t trust government to figure out what the truth is’

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights visits China

A blow for Western diplomacy: the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Chilean national Michele Bachelet, has just completed a six-day visit to China, looking in particular for evidence of the “Uyghur genocide”, but had to leave empty-handed. Going back 17 years, none of her predecessors has ever set foot in China.

Ms. Bachelet interviewed several dignitaries, heads of associations, religious leaders and witnesses at large. She even paid a visit to Kashi prison, but could find nothing that conflicted with the official Chinese version.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights visits China


Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet after official visit to China

US keeps manipulating high-profile UN Xinjiang visit to attack China: FM

Western Propaganda.

May update: a war to the last Ukrainian

By Dmitriy Kovalevich, New Cold War, 5/27/22

In this month’s update, New Cold War’s regular contributor and analyst Dmitriy Kovalevich describes what has been happening on the ground in Ukraine throughout May. In his comprehensive account, based on reports including those from the Ukrainian media, Kovalevich clearly demonstrates how the western establishment’s narrative differs strikingly from the reality and why Zelensky is now saying that, despite bellicose statements from countries like Great Britain and Canada, the conflict can only end through diplomacy.

Dmitriy Kovalevich: May update: a war to the last Ukrainian

Majority Of Americans Think Protecting Economy—Not Sanctioning Russia—Should Be Country’s Top Priority

More than half of Americans now believe the country’s top priority should be staving off damage to the economy rather than punishing Russia for invading Ukraine, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll, as soaring costs and inflation amid the ongoing war prompt a reassessment of priorities.

Majority Of Americans Think Protecting Economy—Not Sanctioning Russia—Should Be Country’s Top Priority

Planned Jewish nationalist “flag march” is a festival of hate

Tamara Nassar, Electronic Intifada, May 29 2022

Thousands of Israeli Jewish nationalists intend on staging a major provocation in occupied East Jerusalem on 29 May, despite warnings from the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

The Jewish extremists plan to hold their annual “March of the Flags” on what they call Jerusalem Day, an Israeli-invented holiday celebrating its occupation and colonization of the city in 1967.

Planned Jewish nationalist “flag march” is a festival of hate

Ukraine Aid Package Puts America Last + Some Notes on the astroturfed Heritage Action for America

Ukraine Aid Package Puts America Last

Today, Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson ahead of the U.S. House of Representatives’ vote on a $40 billion Ukraine aid package.

The legislation does not include several important measures – there are no spending offsets, no accountability for where each dollar will be spent, and no guarantees for equal contributions from European neighbors. Additionally, the aid package only lasts through September of this year, meaning Congress will be expected to reconsider the legislation after only about three months.

They claim to be a grassroots organization but they were created by Heritage Foundation!? That’s astroturfing! Who’s policies are they advocating for?! Theirs?! I highly doubt that it’s for the working class (see below, for just one example)!!

Recognizing that elected leaders are more responsive to adopting policy solutions when they know the American people already support them, Heritage created Heritage Action for America. Heritage Action works with lawmakers to implement Heritage Foundation solutions while it also organizes nearly 20,000 Sentinel activists and more than 2 million local grassroots activists around the nation to push for their adoption. Heritage Action ensures that citizens are speaking up and their elected officials hear their voices.

About Heritage

They push for private school choice and are anti-union (I’m not arguing for school closures, with the below quote, but showing it as an example of their views)!!

The only way out of this mess is to free families from the clutches of the teachers’ unions. Funding students directly would empower families to access educational alternatives. The good news is that the unions’ political games could further the movement to fund students instead of systems, which already enjoyed significant growth in 2021.

Her continued push to keep schools closed may be just what wide-spread school choice needs to become reality—and to rescue a generation from misguided and politicized COVID policies. In this sense, the power-hungry teachers unions might just destroy their own empire.

More COVID School Closures Spell the End of Teachers Unions Empire

School Choice Cons:

Three big problems with school ‘choice’ that supporters don’t like to talk about

The hidden downsides of school ‘choice’

Anyway, in three months, Congress will probably vote on another aid package for Ukraine (doesn’t matter who wins between Russia and Ukraine, they’ll still send Ukraine money, whether it’s for weapons or reconstruction)! 🙄