CPRF Statement: In Ukraine Russia is Fighting Neo-Nazism

Comments on the Article of the International Department of the CC KKE “On the Imperialist War in Ukraine and the Stance of the CPRF

On April 23, 2022 the newspaper Rizospastis, the organ of the Communist Party of Greece, carried an article by the International Department of the CC KKE “On the Imperialist War in Ukraine and the Stance of the CPRF.”

The article assesses the actions of the CPRF in connection with the special operation Russia is conducting in Ukraine openly accusing the party of having a pro-government, i.e. pro-imperialist position. We categorically disagree with this utilitarian assessment.

CPRF Statement: In Ukraine Russia is Fighting Neo-Nazism

Global military, defense leaders attending Hawaii conference include army chiefs of 3 ASEAN nations, Mongolia, Australia

Military heads from the around the globe gather in Hawaii for defense conference (Archived)

Military service members from around the globe are attending the Association of the U.S. Army’s LANPAC Symposium and Expo at the Sheraton Waikiki this week.

About 2,000 U.S. and foreign military leaders and defense contractors are there, including the army chiefs of Australia, France, Canada, Philippines, Singapore, Mongolia and Brunei.

Global military, defense leaders attending Hawaii conference include army chiefs of 3 ASEAN nations, Mongolia, Australia


A U.S.-ASEAN summit—a face or a farce

U.S., allies may be planning Ukraine proxy war model for Myanmar

U.S., allies may be planning Ukraine proxy war model for Myanmar


The militias are mostly lightly armed, using rudimentary rifles and homemade explosives to fight the well-equipped military, which has been accused by the United Nations of using heavy weapons and air strikes against civilian populations.

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Myanmar Violence: a Slow Burn US Proxy War

US Regime Change Creeps Forward in Myanmar

U.S. State Dept. No.2 Sherman speaks with Myanmar shadow government + Reuters, UK Gov, & BBC Prepare Ground for Myanmar Intervention

A U.S.-ASEAN summit—a face or a farce

A U.S.-ASEAN summit—a face or a farce

A U.S.-ASEAN summit—a face or a farce

It is clear that the U.S. officials had entertained the design to make the case that Russia’s invasion demonstrated the fragility of the international system while China’s tacit support for the invasion equally made a contrast with the United States’ principled stance. Yet, ASEAN members in general kept their heads down and avoided the issue rather than getting in the middle of a dispute between major powers. Rather than clearly denouncing the Russian invasion of Ukraine as the U.S. has acted globally, the joint vision statement called on an immediate cessation of hostilities and creating an enabling environment for peaceful resolution, and genuine respect for sovereignty, political independence, and territorial integrity in line with the U.N. Charter and international law. As a result, it is inevitable that the geostrategic [war] hawks in Washington were disappointed their unsuccessful persuasion of ten Asian countries to take side with the United States and its allies and partners. Because of this, the U.S. aid [bribe] package to the ASEAN was seen as a joke because it agreed to offer $150,000,000 for peace in a sharp contrast to the multiple-billions dollars for supporting a long war to weaken its geopolitical rival Russia, as U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said.

ASEAN is a regional economic community founded in 1967, yet it has been seen as the most dynamic economic powerhouse in the 21st century. With its hugely rich natural resources and technological innovation capacities, ASEAN has committed to preserve the Southeast Asian region as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone and free of all other weapons of mass destruction, as enshrined in the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ Treaty). Therefore, ASEAN vow to fully comply with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, taking into account the international community’s call for diplomacy as the instrument to maintain peace and security in the region.

Despite all these arguments, there is no reasons for the world to underestimate the close and comprehensive cooperation between the United States and ASEAN. This summit agenda were primarily focused on apolitical areas cooperation, such as clean energy, health security, the digital economy and the deteriorating situation in Myanmar. President Biden was aware of the wisdom of not making his ASEAN guests to be as frustrated with the situation as himself since there was deep divisions among ASEAN member states on the issues and challenges they have to face. Accordingly, it is fair to say that the U.S.-ASEAN summit recently held in Washington was good enough in public relations but insufficient in tackling the real global issues from poverty, climate change and illegal change of regime by “color revolution”.


ASEAN remains China’s No.1 trade partner from Jan to Apr, accounting for 14.6% of total trade

Biden to pressure ASEAN against Myanmar, Russia, China