U.S. empire seeks to use Ukraine to destabilize Eurasia, in the model of how it destroyed Yugoslavia

CIA gets go-ahead to destabilize Yugoslavia

The U.S. empire has a playbook for balkanizing countries. It inflames ethnic tensions by fabricating atrocity stories, and spreading them around in the areas where it wants conflict to arise. To do this, it singles out an ethnic group (represented by a vilified government) and paints it as a perpetrator of genocide. It backs terrorist groups to fight against the demonized government, or installs leaders that will fulfill Washington’s goals for proxy warfare, or both. It provokes the targeted country into responding, then imposes sanctions on the country. It uses “humanitarian” narratives to give the region’s breakup the illusion of having occurred organically, and of having been done in response to human rights abuses or war crimes supposedly committed by the target.

U.S. empire seeks to use Ukraine to destabilize Eurasia, in the model of how it destroyed Yugoslavia (archived)

U.S. mediating between Turkey and Finland, Sweden to further NATO expansion

Hurriyet Daily News

May 28, 2022

Turkey’s NATO issues with Sweden, Finland can be overcome: US

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on May 27 he’s confident Turkey’s objections to Finland and Sweden joining NATO can be overcome swiftly, possibly in time for a summit of alliance leaders at the end of next month.

U.S. mediating between Turkey and Finland, Sweden to further NATO expansion

This is probably the worst thing I have seen so far.

You can’t spell hypocrisy without psycho!

Unacceptable Jessica May 28, 2022

Please read this article recently published online in the Toronto Star and written by Health Reporter Megan Ogilvie and Staff Reporter May Warren. You can simply read my screenshots if you’ve been subjected to inflation. To summarize, one Torontonian Dr. Sun claims to have put HIS neck on the line by illegally and unethically injecting 500 infants (children <5) with COVID-19 products that are now proven entirely obsolete against Omicron, in order to protect them from Omicron. Sounds informed and up-to-date, doesn’t he?

This is probably the worst thing I have seen so far.

H/T: Unorthodox Truth

War in Eastern Ukraine Looks a Lot Different in Person Than It Does on CNN + Ukrainian volunteer fighters in the east feel abandoned

I had just left the Lugansk People’s Republic, making my way to an interview in Moscow, when I saw a May 11 CNN story claiming Russia had targeted civilians in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. This was after the bombing of a hotel and shopping center there. When such structures are bombed, one assumes that they were filled with civilians.

Fact-finding trip to Donbass: A front-line shelter in Rubizhne


Ukrainian volunteer fighters in the east feel abandoned (archived):

In a rare interview, a Ukrainian military commander and his top lieutenant describe disillusionment, deprivations and a sense of certain death among their troops on the front lines in Donbas.

— Washington Post