The US is heavily reliant on China and Russia for its ammo supply chain. Congress wants to fix that.

The US is heavily reliant on China and Russia for its ammo supply chain. Congress wants to fix that.


Antimony is a critical mineral commodity for advanced technological uses and the U.S. imports over 70% of antimony consumed domestically. Most of our imported antimony comes from China, which is beginning to reduce its production. Understanding of the origin of this deposit, the largest known antimony deposit in the U.S., would aid in future exploration for undiscovered deposits of this type, both domestically and internationally.

[2018] Source – US Geological Survey

Congress has repeatedly authorized multimillion-dollar sell-offs of the U.S. strategic minerals stockpile over the past several decades, but Washington’s increased anxiety over Chinese domination of resources critical to the defense industrial base has prompted lawmakers to reverse course and shore up the reserve.

The stockpile was valued at nearly $42 billion in today’s dollars at its peak during the beginning of the Cold War in 1952. That value has plummeted to $888 million as of last year following decades of congressionally authorized sell-offs to private sector customers. Lawmakers anticipate the stockpile will become insolvent by FY25.

“A lot of what happened is Congress just getting greedy and finding politically convenient ways to fund programs that they weren’t willing to raise revenue for,” said Moulton.

Congress and Pentagon seek to shore up strategic mineral stockpile dominated by China

They only have themselves to blame!

One thought on “The US is heavily reliant on China and Russia for its ammo supply chain. Congress wants to fix that.

  1. Reblogged this on Unorthodox Truth and commented:
    Further highights how tunnel-visioned and inept is the US Govt at all levels, especially when it comes to big picture. Additional support for the theory that government types with any kind of policy-level repsonsibility are required to be serial liars and sociopaths in order to perform their duties at the level required to sufficiently populate the cocktail circuit.

    Liked by 1 person

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