A New Generation of US-trained Extremists Is Fighting Russia. Are We Prepared for the Blowback?

A boomerang. By TJ Coles, Global Research, 6/8/22

US agencies have directly and indirectly trained and empowered Nazis and ultra-nationalists at home and abroad to fight Russians in Ukraine. This program follows the blueprint established by Western intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and Syria.

TJ Coles: A New Generation of US-trained Extremists Is Fighting Russia. Are We Prepared for the Blowback?

US Coerces UN Human Rights Chief Following Xinjiang China Visit

Jun 11, 2022 — In the wake of the UN human rights chief’s visit to Xinjiang, China – the Western media and US government-funded organizations have concluded that the UN is not sufficiently repeating Western claims about China’s alleged treatment of its Uyghur minority.

In reality, the US is spreading false narratives about China just as it did regarding Iraq in 2003 – all to undermine and isolate China on the global stage in a bid to prevent it from surpassing the US, and because the US is not capable of competing with China fairly.

US Coerces UN Human Rights Chief Following Xinjiang China Visit (Odysse) — The New Atlas on YouTube


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NBC News just SMEARED real journalists in shameful hit piece

NBC News calls independent journalists in Ukraine “Russian operatives” based on a report from an English “think tank.” Said “think tank” is state-funded. We speak to one of the journalists Eva Bartlett who is named in this piece about why she is under attack and why her reporting has ruffled feathers.

“NBC News just SMEARED real journalists in shameful hit piece Redacted with Clayton Morris” (Second Source)


NBC Hit Piece

Once Again, George and Pierre Unite to Control the Narrative?!

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