Biden just signed a law to lower shipping costs. Will it work?

The Ocean Shipping Reform Act allows for more enforcement of rising fees. But shippers say the law isn’t a “silver bullet.”

President Joe Biden signed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 into law on Thursday, promising sweeping changes to the ocean shipping industry after more than two years of port congestion, delays and rising costs.

Biden just signed a law to lower shipping costs. Will it work?

Short-staffed and underfunded.

A Conversation with Christelle Neant of Donbass Insider on the War in Ukraine

By Christelle Néant and Dr. Leon Tressell

They say that the first casualty of war is the truth. Nevermore so was this the case in the current war in Ukraine. The mainstream media in the West have become stenographers for the new Cold War being pursued by American imperialism.

They refuse to critically examine the massive supplies of weapons by the West to Ukraine and refuse to acknowledge the many war crimes being committed by the Ukrainian armed forces on a daily basis. If you want to find out what is really going on in the war zone that is Eastern Ukraine then you have to talk to journalists with integrity who are actually based in the Donbass.

I have spoken with French journalist Christelle Neant who is co-founder of Donbass Insider and is based in Donetsk. She gives her views on many of the key issues regarding the current conflict in Ukraine.

“The First Casualty of War is the Truth”. What is Really Happening in Donbass

Freelance journalist, Anne-Laure Bonnel, is latest to be censored


And if some believe that what is happening to Alina Lipp could not happen in France, they should look at what is happening to Anne-Laure Bonnel. This French freelance journalist who came to the Donbass in 2015 and 2022, and who also spoke openly about the Ukrainian army’s war crimes in the Donbass.

Not surprisingly, she found herself alongside Alina Lipp and myself in the “article” in the rag Le Monde on “dangerous pro-Russian influencers”. In reality, this article is just one of many in a coordinated attack by ISD, yet another organisation claiming to fight disinformation in several Western countries, but which in reality serves to justify censorship. The accusations made against “pro-Russian influencers” by ISD have indeed been picked up by several media, in France, Germany, the United States, and surely elsewhere (I don’t have the means to check the entire world press).

Anne-Laure Bonnel has also been directly and personally attacked by several French media outlets who have simply denigrated her, even defamed her. And as in the case of Julian Assange, or Alina Lipp, the authorities are using financial suffocation to try to silence her.

As in the case of Alina Lipp, Anne-Laure Bonnel’s bank account was temporarily blocked by her bank, Société Générale, and her contract with the Sorbonne University was not renewed.

Afghanistan earthquake exposes disaster caused by decades of US occupation

by Jean Shaoul, WSWS, Jun 24 2022

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake in a remote area of Afghanistan has killed at least 1,000 people and injured at least 1,500. While the worst affected area is the mountainous Paktika province, deaths have also been reported in the eastern provinces of Khost and Nangarhar. Many more bodies are thought to be buried in mud as heavy rain hampers rescue efforts.

With the ever-expanding US war against Russia, the US is preparing to bring the type of devastation wrought upon Afghanistan and Iraq to Europe, at an even greater cost in lives and treasure.

Afghanistan earthquake exposes disaster caused by decades of US occupation

Fate of Ukrainian Communist youth leaders unknown 100 days after their imprisonment

June 17, 2022 9:51 AM CDT BY STEVE SWEENEY

Communists around the world have called for the redoubling of international solidarity efforts to free two young Ukrainian communists jailed by Kiev authorities in March. Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich were hauled into custody by security forces soon after the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Fate of Ukrainian Communist youth leaders unknown 100 days after their imprisonment


Sign here the Petition to demand the release of Kononovich brothers

Ukraine: 100 days since the kidnapping of Mikhail and Aleksander Kononovich (E-Mail addresses listed of all of the Embassies of Ukraine)