Petro Reiterates Willingness to Normalize Relations with Venezuela

The president-elect of the Republic of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, reiterated his desire to normalize relations with Venezuela in order to ameliorate the economic development of the region.

Petro Reiterates Willingness to Normalize Relations with Venezuela


Petro Upends Colombia Diplomacy by Reaching out to Venezuela:

During the election campaign, Petro – a former member of the M-19 guerilla group – tried to distance himself from Venezuela and Cuba, which he had previously defended, and focus more on Chile and Brazil. His goal is to normalize relations with Venezuela after years of diplomatic conflict, and adopt a position similar to that of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador – Mexico’s foreign policy has traditionally been based on the policy of non-intervention. But Petro acknowledged that it is a “long process.” “Normalizing relations is not something that happens overnight,” he said to the press after announcing the reopening of the border. And he sent a clear message about his priorities on election night: after his victory was confirmed he made sure to call US President Joe Biden and the leaders of many other Latin American nations, before he spoke with Maduro.

Biden moves fast to open dialogue with Colombia’s incoming leftist president Petro:

A day earlier, Secretary of State Antony Blinken had already called Petro with a similar message “to reiterate the United States’ steadfast commitment to the bilateral relationship,” according to a summary of the call released by the State Department.

Interesting, two days before calling Maduro, Petro talked to Blinken. 🤔💭

Military Could Keep Shipwreck Info From Public If New Amendment Passes

As members of the House of Representatives debate the details of their latest draft of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), one possible addition came seemingly out of left field, or maybe 20,000 leagues. It could change the public’s access to information about military ships and aircraft that have sunk. The amendment, put forward by Rep. Austin Scott, a Georgia Republican, is said to have been motivated by unlawful salvaging operations that occur at these sites.

Military Could Keep Shipwreck Info From Public If New Amendment Passes

Ukraine confirms Russian missile hit plant adjacent to burned down shopping mall

Samizdat – June 28, 2022

The Russian military on Monday targeted the Kredmash vehicle plant in the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug, the chairman of the factory’s supervisory board, Nikolay Danileyko, has confirmed. The plant is located right next to the shopping mall that was destroyed in a blaze after the missile strike, with 18 people reported killed and over 50 injured.

Ukraine confirms Russian missile hit plant adjacent to burned down shopping mall


What REALLY Happened At Kremenchuk?

Why G7’s Program for Developing Countries is Still No Match for China’s Belt & Road

Samizdat – 28.06.2022

The G7 on 26 June re-launched its previous Build Back Better World program to provide infrastructure funds to poor and developing nations under a new name, the Global Investment and Infrastructure Partnership. The project aims to compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative kicked off by Beijing in 2013.

Why G7’s Program for Developing Countries is Still No Match for China’s Belt & Road

Hundreds of Key U.S. Warplanes Aren’t Ready for Combat, Government Report Finds

Hundreds of Key U.S. Warplanes Aren’t Ready for Combat, Government Report Finds

The GAO says the Department of Defense “generally concurred” with its recommendations to “prioritize and complete required sustainment reviews” faster in order to develop plans to fix the availability shortfalls. “The Navy,” the GAO states, “did not agree to complete sustainment reviews in a timelier manner, citing resource limitations.” Just to be clear, the Navy’s budget in 2021 was $161 billion, and yet it claimed it did not have enough resources to figure out the depth of the problems that are grounding half of its fighter jets.

Advertisement for more funds for the Navy?! 🤷🏼‍♀️