Chile’s Draft Constitution: Undemocratic—or Too Much Democracy?

Chileans will vote in September on whether to approve a new constitution that promises to address inequality and lack of democracy (Reuters, 7/4/22). It would replace the present constitution imposed by the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, who came into power through a US-backed coup in 1973. The nation’s newly elected left-wing leadership is calling for a “yes” vote, although in the much-divided country, the constitution faces steep opposition from the right.

Chile’s Draft Constitution: Undemocratic—or Too Much Democracy?

Garbage – The World Is Not Enough

“The World Is Not Enough” is the theme song from the eponymous 1999 James Bond film, performed by American-Scottish alternative rock band Garbage. The song was written by composer David Arnold (who also scored the film) and lyricist Don Black, previously responsible for four other Bond songs, and was produced by Garbage and Arnold. “The World Is Not Enough” was composed in the style of the series’ title songs, in contrast with the post-modern production and genre-hopping of Garbage’s first two albums. The group recorded most of “The World Is Not Enough” while touring Europe in support of their album Version 2.0, telephoning Arnold as he recorded the orchestral backing in London before travelling to England. Garbage later finished recording and mixing the song at Armoury Studios in Canada. The lyrics reflect the film’s plot (told from the viewpoint of antagonist Elektra King), with themes of world domination and seduction. The song and its accompanying soundtrack were released internationally by Radioactive Records when the film premiered worldwide at the end of November 1999. “The World Is Not Enough” was praised by reviewers; it reached the top forty of ten singles charts and the top ten of four. It was included on the James Bond compilation The Best of Bond… James Bond and Garbage’s greatest hits album, Absolute Garbage.

About The World is Not Enough

Biden steered America into conflict with Ukraine, Taiwan. Iran could be next.

by Trita Parsi

The last thing America needs right now is a three-front foreign crisis. Yet here we are.

Americans are tired, at odds with themselves and in no shape to handle more foreign entanglements — much less the three-front catastrophe looming before us. Yet here we are, with the U.S. potentially facing a drawn-out war in Ukraine that risks escalating into a direct U.S.-Russia confrontation, the collapse of the Iran nuclear deal that may lead to war with the Persian Gulf power and now an unnecessary crisis with Beijing over Taiwan, triggered by Nancy Pelosi’s ill-advised trip to Taipei.

Biden steered America into conflict with Ukraine, Taiwan. Iran could be next.

‘Western’ Conflict Reporting Has Come Down To “Officials On Our Side Said …”

Larry Johnson is rightfully appalled by a New York Times piece that quotes a lot from ‘officials’ but fails to check any of their obviously false claims:

“I never cease to be amazed by the utter failure of journalists to assemble facts. I think it boils down to laziness. Why should you do any independent research or thinking that requires you to go to the front lines when you can gobble up and regurgitate pre-packaged talking points? You get paid the same and hell, you might even get a Pulitzer if you are the most enthusiastic purveyor of regime bullshit.”

‘Western’ Conflict Reporting Has Come Down To “Officials On Our Side Said …”

US to hold joint war games with India near Chinese border

US to hold joint war games with India near Chinese border

US and Indian military forces will hold joint war games in the Himalayan mountains in October, less than 100 kilometers from India’s disputed border with China, a report says.

Meanwhile, as both sides are flexing their military muscle, the US-based Politico news outlet reported on Friday that Chinese defense officials are ignoring phone calls from their US counterparts.


China cuts ties with US on critical issues