An Unjustified Fear Of Nuclear Energy Is Holding The Industry Back

Governments are backing nuclear power in a big way but fears of disasters still linger, with any mishap having the potential to derail the big nuclear resurgence. As governments get behind nuclear projects for the first time in several decades, in order to boost their energy security, many continue to be fearful of nuclear developments for both safety and environmental reasons. But will leaders be able to convince the public of the need for nuclear energy as part of a green transition? Nuclear energy was hailed years ago as the cleaner alternative to fossil fuels that could provide reliable energy to countries around the globe. But as it was increasing in popularity, with several major global developments being achieved, three notable disasters undermined the potential for widespread nuclear development. The events of Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania in 1979; Chornobyl in 1986; and Fukushima in Japan in 2011 led to a movement away from the development of nuclear projects in favor, largely, of fossil fuels.

An Unjustified Fear Of Nuclear Energy Is Holding The Industry Back

One thought on “An Unjustified Fear Of Nuclear Energy Is Holding The Industry Back

  1. More energy, more consumption. More consumption, more population. More population + more consumption = more destruction of environment = increased loss of human habitat. Add the total inability of human governments to keep track of things that kill peasants and other human resources and POOF!!!

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