“Everyone’s a Little Problematic in Ukraine’s International Legion”

by Lindsey Snell and Cory Popp

“Benjamin Velcro” is former US serviceman and volunteer with the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, the official unit of foreign volunteers under the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In early August, Russian media widely shared voice recordings in which Velcro recounted the torture and murder of a Russian prisoner of war.

“Everyone’s a Little Problematic in Ukraine’s International Legion”


An exit interview: Benjamin Velcro

I am quite good with languages, one could describe my Russian as a solid B1 (someone said B2 before but that was an ego stroke lol) I would rather understand the language of my enemy than Ukrainian. My convictions against the putin regime were largely solidified when I was part of a task force related to Georgia just prior to their invasion with the US Army. In 2014, maiden inspired me. In 2020, August, I thought the similar conditions could be met in Belarus. I travelled to Belarus. However things did not materialize.

Interesting how this “Benjamin Velcro” seems to be drawn to US-sponsored color revolutions. 👇

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Tedros is Playing the Race Card to Revive Western Support for Terrorism Against Ethiopia

By Andrew Korybko

He’s immorally taking advantage of the Western population’s growing awareness of their authorities’ racist policies to manipulate perceptions in order to mislead that targeted audience into wrongly thinking that their governments’ scaling back of support for the TPLF is due to racism against Tigrayans when it was actually their tangible support for that group’s divide-and-rule agenda against the historically cosmopolitan civilization-state of Ethiopia that was the epitome of racism.

Tedros is Playing the Race Card to Revive Western Support for Terrorism Against Ethiopia

More on Potential Turkey-Syria Rapprochement

Faisal al-Mekdad, the regime’s top diplomat, is visiting Moscow days after a meeting with Cavusoglu.

“I did not use the phrase reconciliation between the Syrian regime and the opposition, but I said that a settlement of the crisis must be reached.” This is how the Turkish foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, has tried to contain the controversy that erupted after news of his meeting with Syria’s top diplomat, Faisal al-Mekdad. News reports circulated that Cavusoglu called for “reconciliation” between Damascus and the opposition during that meeting.

More on Potential Turkey-Syria Rapprochement

Manufacturing Consent: How the United States Has Penetrated South African Media

The CIA has played a role in controlling South African media from the days of apartheid to the present.

In recent weeks, South African public discourse has been focused on concerns about alleged Chinese influence in the country’s media landscape. However, these conversations have tended to overlook the already existing spheres of influence within South African media. Politically motivated sponsorship of prominent South African media outlets by the United States dates back decades to the apartheid era. According to internal U.S. government documents, the aim of these operations was “to counter the strong Marxist campaigns” in the country. This funding was circulated by the National Endowment for Democracy, an organization created by the Reagan administration in order to re-brand U.S. covert operations that were previously carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency. Today, as Washington becomes fixated on combating Beijing’s influence around the world, the National Endowment for Democracy and its private sector partners continue to penetrate large swathes of the South African media ecosystem. This web of influence has caught major publications, including Mail & Guardian newspaper and amaBhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism.

Manufacturing Consent: How the United States Has Penetrated South African Media