How Russia and the U.S. See Africa’s Place in the World

Ivan Loshkaryov

Since the early days of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, the diplomacy of the Сollective West has been striving to isolate Moscow, punishing it for resolving the conflict in Donbass. However, one cannot talk about isolation without accounting for the position of developing countries: Alongside the golden billion, there are another 7 billion people living in the world. It is then only natural that the eyes of Western strategists and diplomats have turned to states and regional organizations reluctant to join the anti-Russian rhetoric, seeing no point in imposing economic and political restrictions against Moscow.

How Russia and the U.S. See Africa’s Place in the World

Fauci finally promises to leave and collect his gratuities with a book deal

By Meryl Nass, MD | August 22, 2022

Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama got a $65 million advance for their joint book deals. Except, nobody sells enough books to make such a stupefying advance work. So those of an inquiring mind wondered if the book deal was a way to launder money to the former President and his family for services rendered.

Mr. Fauci earns a bureaucrat’s salary. $437,000/year. But with royalties, adding in his wife’s salary (head Ethics officer for the NIH Clinical Center) and their investments, it is said the family earned $1.7 million dollars last year.

Fauci finally promises to leave and collect his gratuities with a book deal

Dugin reacts to daughter’s murder + Putin comments on journalist’s murder

Dugin reacts to daughter’s murder, Aug 22 2022 18:09

Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin has released a response to Saturday’s car bombing outside Moscow, which may have targeted him but claimed the life of his daughter Darya. On Monday, Dugin blamed the Ukrainian government for the murder and said he wanted a military victory rather than revenge. Dugin said in a statement released by his ally, conservative tycoon Konstantin Malofeyev:

Dugin reacts to daughter’s murder

US discourages Dennis Rodman from going to Russia to help Brittney Griner; he now says he’s not going

The U.S. government on Monday strongly discouraged former NBA player Dennis Rodman from traveling to Russia to help secure the release of detained WNBA star Brittney Griner — a trip that Rodman himself now maintains isn’t in the offing.

US discourages Dennis Rodman from going to Russia to help Brittney Griner; he now says he’s not going

H/T: Emil Cosman


Dennis Rodman Planning Trip to Russia to Seek Brittney Griner Release: ‘I Know Putin Too Well’

Researching the National Republican Army: NRA Manifesto

This is a translation of the NRA manifesto for a page I’ll be starting on my research into this obscure group and Ilya Ponomarev (see below*)


Aug 21, 2022 Today we woke up in a new time.

Last night, a landmark event took place near Moscow. Russian partisans blew up the car of Novorossiya ideologist, leader of Russian fascists Alexander Dugin.

This attack opens a new page of Russian resistance to Putinism. New – but not the last.

This attack opens a new page of Russian resistance to Putinism. New – but not the last.

Daria Dugina-Platonova, Alexander’s thirty-year-old daughter, was killed in the attack.

She was his faithful companion, his hands in the ongoing war. Daria called for the destruction of Ukrainians, was a voice calling for violence and murder in the occupied territory. In particular, she justified the terrorist act in Elenovka, when 50 Azov fighters who voluntarily surrendered were blown up in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Retribution took place yesterday. The Lord preserved Dugin himself, but prepared for him a much more terrible punishment.

Today is the time to say who implemented it.

This action, like many other direct-action guerrilla actions carried out on the territory of Russia in recent months, was implemented by the National Republican Army. We have established a connection with its fighters with the help of our resource Rospartizan, which illuminates the growing wave of resistance in Russia.

NRA fighters authorized me [Ilya Ponomarev] to read out their Manifesto today.

Translated from YouTube
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