[2017] The Rothschild Trust Financed Khodorkovsky’s Anti-Russian Political Projects

The Rothschild Trust Financed Khodorkovsky’s Anti-Russian Political Projects

As is known, despite the public promise not to engage in political activity after his release from prison, former Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky has been actively involved in the financing of various media and political projects. The structures of Khodorkovsky actively communicated with the international fraudster William Browder and helped to lobby for the adoption of anti-Russian sanctions in the US Congress. However, the projects of Khodorkovsky, as it turned out, have more high patrons and sponsorship streams than only the means of the former oligarch.

The “Institute of Modern Russia”, along with “Open Russia” was recognized by the State Office of the Public Prosecutor as an undesirable organization. The structure is closely associated with a number of American NGOs specializing in conducting propaganda activities against Russia, and is affiliated with organizations such as, for example, the “Free Russia Foundation”. The NGO was founded in the US in early 2015 to “promote democracy in Russia”. By the way, if to look at the personnel of the administrative board of the NGO – [Ilya] Ponomareva, [Vladimir] Milova, [Sergey] Aleksashenko – it immediately becomes clear what kind of democracy they are trying to promote in our country from overseas.

And the fact of cooperation between ISR and the US government agency BBG [now USAGM], the specialties of which include anti-Russian propaganda, speaks for itself.

[2018] Yury Kot: SBU Prepares the Murder of Navalny in Order to Blame Putin

Yury Kot: SBU Prepares the Murder of Navalny in Order to Blame Putin

Today the SBU is the center of control and organisation for sabotage in Russia, supervised by the CIA. Who do you think set the fields ablaze near Rostov? And who organised telephone sabotage in Moscow? Futher, there will be only more.

It is Ponomarev who connects these two events. Ilya not only is involved in Voronenkov’s murder, since he brought him to the place where the crime was committed. Ponomarev is also a source of financing for the opposition using allegedly Khodorkovsky’s money, which enters Russia through Ukraine. And one of the still recognisable and inflated oppositionists is Alexey Navalny, who receives money from Ponomarev. He, the idiot, does not even understand that his masters already sentenced him and lead him, the sheep, to the slaughter.

[11-2020] Overthrow Putin & Give Back Crimea: What Was Proposed at the “Free Russia Forum”

Overthrow Putin & Give Back Crimea: What Was Proposed at the “Free Russia Forum”

Garry Kasparov, current chairman of the Human Rights Foundation, (which organizes the Oslo Freedom Forum and trains “democracy activists”), sits on the Permanent Committee of the Free Russia Forum with Ilya Ponomarev. Mikhail Khodorkovsky has spoken at both the Free Russia Foundation and Oslo Freedom Forum.

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London-based organisation accused of endangering lives in Ukraine by publishing personal details on online ‘traitors’ list

London-based organisation accused of endangering lives in Ukraine by publishing personal details on online ‘traitors’ list

Molfar, which is partnered with Ukraine’s Ministry for Digital Transformation and US soft power organisation USAid, has published the personal details of 1,391 “Russian war criminals” at the time of writing.

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Somalia

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Somalia

That’s because we bomb Somalia in virtual secrecy from the American people. Our government barely acknowledges the strikes. The media maintains a virtual blackout on the bombings. When pressed by the peace community, the official response is we’re killing bad guys in al-Shabab, an anti-Somalia government outfit the US helped create with its meddling in Somalia politics as part of its endless GWOT (Global War On Terror).