[2018] Yury Kot: SBU Prepares the Murder of Navalny in Order to Blame Putin

Yury Kot: SBU Prepares the Murder of Navalny in Order to Blame Putin

Today the SBU is the center of control and organisation for sabotage in Russia, supervised by the CIA. Who do you think set the fields ablaze near Rostov? And who organised telephone sabotage in Moscow? Futher, there will be only more.

It is Ponomarev who connects these two events. Ilya not only is involved in Voronenkov’s murder, since he brought him to the place where the crime was committed. Ponomarev is also a source of financing for the opposition using allegedly Khodorkovsky’s money, which enters Russia through Ukraine. And one of the still recognisable and inflated oppositionists is Alexey Navalny, who receives money from Ponomarev. He, the idiot, does not even understand that his masters already sentenced him and lead him, the sheep, to the slaughter.