The current status of the investigation into the murder of Darya Dugina

*Updated note: The translation links no longer work. You’ll need to copy and paste the links into Google Translate.

The current status of the investigation into the murder of Darya Dugina (translation)

And, most likely, it was not the Americans, but the British. In the USA you have to get in order to eliminate a people, much too many signatures from the very top. And then you would say directly that it was. So it was in Afghanistan with the leader of Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden. The assassination was approved with the signature of President Obama. So it was with the assassination of Iranian General Suleimani on the personal order of President Trump. The British quieter and without the signature collection. And they love their cars. The MINI Cooper, for example. This is a weakness. And the next step – for the beauty of purely English murder it would be to strangle Natalia Vovk somewhere and to give Russia the blame. So you could finish the Whole thing. And the tracks would be blurred.

The articles are in German by independent journalist Thomas Roper. I’ve provided links to the English translations by Google next to them (the language can be switched at the top of the translated articles). He suspects that it was British intelligence, as did Nicolas. Thomas connects Ilya Ponomarev, Michael Khodorkovsky, and Alexei Navalny to George Soros. He also points out that Ilya Ponomarev wrote, and worked, for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, which is connected to the Free Russia Foundation. CSIS is funded by various Western governments, corporations (oil and defense industries), and NGOs; including George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation. On another note, quite a few from the Biden Administration have worked at CSIS including Antony Blinken (State Department), Kathleen Hicks (Defense Department), and Kurt M. Campbell (National Security Council Coordinator for the Indo-Pacific).


Soros and Kiev supported the group is behind the murder of Darya Dugina (translation)

Ilya Ponomarev was a Russian politician and businessman who joined Soros very early on. In 2014 he was the only Duma deputy to vote against reunification with Crimea. As early as 1998 he held a managerial position in the Yukos oil company owned by the Russian oligarch Michael Khodorkovsky , who was later convicted of fraud, among other things , but was framed in the West as a “Russian opposition figure”.

Ponomaryov was also in contact with Navalny, who was also financed and controlled by Soros and Khodorkovsky right from the start . He was one of the organizers of the 2012 protests, which he co-organized with [Alexei] Navalny and other Western-funded Russian opposition figures.

Ilya Ponomarev was working at a Russian foundation at the time of the protests, where he embezzled funds he used to fund the 2011 and 2012 protests. When this was exposed and he refused to reimburse the damage caused at the end of 2014, he evaded prosecution and fled to the USA, where he worked and wrote for the transatlantic think tank CSIS, which is financed by the US defense industry . Readers of my book “ Inside Corona ” know the CSIS because it has its own chapter in which I go into detail about its influence, goals and financing.

He then traveled to Ukraine, where he was very open about his collaboration with George Soros and being one of those who helped Soros take control of large parts of Ukraine’s fracking gas industry. This is not new to regular readers of Anti-Spiegel, because I already reported in 2020 on how Soros grabbed this industry after the Maidan .

…The traces of the murderer to the Ukrainian official, however, undisputed. Together with the explanations of Ponomaryov, one can assume that he – and the above, with affiliated Western groups – are involved in the murder. Whether he was the one Vovk has given the instructions, is speculative, but is likely to be.

Young Russian journalist murdered: the Ukraine behind it? (translation)

Ukrainian President Zelensky believes that Russian journalists can be officially threatened, even with death. In April, shortly before the assassination plot against Vladimir Solovyov was exposed, Zelensky publicly announced:

“All the skabeevas, late-night slobs, pardon me, front liars and their bosses in Moscow need to remember that your end of life will be behind bars, at best…” was founded in November 2013, coinciding with the start of the Maidan, and was funded exclusively by western countries and George Soros, as I have shown in my book on the Ukraine crisis through their annual report, which disclosed the funding. The purpose of espresso was to provide the (Western) media with the images the Maidan organizers wanted in order to heat up the mood accordingly. The German news also used espresso’s pictures back then.

Today, espresso is a propaganda tool used by the Ukrainian government, which is why the headline of the espresso report can also be understood as a statement by the Ukrainian government approving the murder of a young journalist.