Bernie Sanders at RMT rally in London: Hawking the myth of a trade union revival

US Senator Bernie Sanders was the featured speaker at a rally held August 31 by the Rail, Maritime and Transport union (RMT) at London’s Congress House—headquarters of the Trades Union Congress. Billed as an event to “Save Public Transport” from Conservative government cuts, its purpose was to channel a growing wave of working class struggle behind the trade union bureaucracy and the Labour Party.

Bernie Sanders at RMT rally in London: Hawking the myth of a trade union revival

New U.K. PM Liz Truss Has “Extreme Neoliberal” Anti-Labor, Anti-Environment Record

The United Kingdom’s Conservative Party has voted for Liz Truss to become its new leader, replacing Boris Johnson and making her Britain’s next prime minister. Truss served as foreign secretary under Johnson and has a record of “extreme neoliberal policies,” says British journalist George Monbiot. These include supporting tax cuts for the wealthy, deregulating the fossil fuel industry and refusing to regulate agricultural pollution. Monbiot also warns Truss will undermine the country’s model public health system and labor rights for organizing workers.

New U.K. PM Liz Truss Has “Extreme Neoliberal” Anti-Labor, Anti-Environment Record

The Sickness of the American Left and the Path to Recovery

By Danny Haiphong – Sep 2, 2022

Leftists in the United States are suffering from a propaganda-induced delirium. Revolutionary discipline can get us through the winter storm.

The Sickness of the American Left and the Path to Recovery

I’m pretty sure that he’s criticizing the PatSocs, such as Haz from Infrared, Jackson Hinkle, and Caleb Maupin (who’s embroiled in his own controversy). To me, Patriotic Socialism is just a gimmick to get Trump supporters to embrace their movement that they claim is Socialist (it’s not, it’s more like right-wing populism).

Hmm 🤔 Biden Sent U.S.Troops To Somalia In May And Now Somalia’s Situation Is Getting Worse

Video via Wongel Zelalem


UN, humanitarian agencies sound alarm over Somalia famine

Somali President Holds Meeting with US Ambassador and New AFRICOM Commander

US Ramping Up Drone Strikes in the Middle East and Africa

US picks up pace of airstrikes in Somalia


Biden Redeploys Pentagon Troops to Somalia While Humanitarian Crisis Looms

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Somalia

Arms Transfers to Ukraine. Detailed Overview of Deliveries, Timeline

As tensions mounted in late 2021 and into 2022 concerning a Russian invasion of Ukraine, many countries announced arms transfers to Ukraine. As the invasion began in late February, this resource page was launched to track developments related to such transfers, which thus far includes pledges and/or deliveries from more than 25 countries plus the European Union.

Arms Transfers to Ukraine. Detailed Overview of Deliveries, Timeline

Kherson: What Happens Next? – Russian Ops in Ukraine Update September 6, 2022

Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for September 6, 2022

– While fighting continues around Kherson, it remains positional, signifying the end of Kiev’s long-planned offensive;

– Western sources continue citing factors they believe limit Russian operations consistent with flawed Western thinking regarding Russian military capabilities stretching back to 2014-2015;

– Elements of Ukraine’s Kherson offensive appear inspired by lessons “learned” from fighting in the Donbass in 2014-2015;

– Fighting around Kherson depends on pontoon bridges on both sides, affording neither a clear advantage in terms of the means of logistics;

– Ukrainians involved in the “offensive” note they do not have the armor, artillery, or airpower to succeed;

Kherson: What Happens Next? – Russian Ops in Ukraine Update September 6, 2022 via The New Atlas