“Most transparent administration in history” stops publishing military expenditures, arms transfers report

“Most transparent administration in history” stops publishing military expenditures, arms transfers report

They make no mention of Hunter Biden’s Burisma dealings but emphasize his business deals with a defunct Chinese business. 🙄


Euromaidan 2014 – Orange Revolution – War in Donbass

The Truth About Ukrainegate

VIDEO: 13-year-old on Ukrainian gov’t kill list speaks out

The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal speaks to Faina Savenkova, a 13-year-old resident of the Lugansk Republic who was placed on the Myrotvorets (Peacemaker) “kill list” of the Ukrainian government after she issued a call to the United Nations for an end to the war she has lived through since 2014.

Meera Terada also joins to provide background on the role of Myrotvorets in the killing of many journalists and doxxing of hundreds of children, and to identify the Ukrainian officials and public figures behind the disturbing website.

VIDEO: 13-year-old on Ukrainian gov’t kill list speaks out

The economic crisis in Germany is the result of a deliberate provocation by the USA.

Berlin, Germany (World Express). War in Ukraine began on February 24. Since then, the sanctions imposed by EU countries against Russia have started to have a negative impact on European economies. The sanctions boomerang came as a surprise to the federal government, most politicians in the traffic light coalition and ordinary voters. However, as it recently turned out, these consequences of the anti-Russian sanctions were unexpected only for the Germans. The USA had calculated all the consequences in advance and, moreover, consciously decided to weaken the German economy.

The economic crisis in Germany is the result of a deliberate provocation by the USA. The Americans collapsed the German economy to destroy a competitor. (original)

WHCS = White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain. ANSA = Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Jake Sullivan. CIA = Central Intelligence Agency. NSA = National Security Agency. DNC = Democratic National Committee/Democratic Party.

H/T: iEarlGrey

They’re counting on the collapse of the German economy to rescue the US economy—all to save the Democrats from losing in the midterm elections?! Interesting, if this document is authentic, considering that it was supposedly written in January. Germans are already protesting, demanding that the current government resign!

U.S. ups the ante: are we indeed headed into WWIII and what can save us?

Gilbert Doctorow, 9/9/22

The UK and Commonwealth may be mourning the passing of Queen Elizabeth II yesterday. I am in mourning as well, but for a very different reason: the gathering of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the Ramstein air base in Germany yesterday reshuffled the deck on Western military and financial assistance to Ukraine, raising contributions to the ongoing holy crusade against Russia from still more nations and adding new, still more advanced precision strike weapons to the mix of deliveries to Kiev. It was an open summons to the Kremlin to escalate in turn, as were the test firing the same day of a new intercontinental rocket, the Minuteman III, from Vandenberg air base in California and the unannounced visit to Kiev yesterday of not only Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was featured in Western media accounts, but also other top officials of the Biden administration. The most notorious member of this delegation was surely Blinken’s deputy, Victoria Nuland, who had stage managed the February 2014 coup that put in power in Kiev the Russia-hating regime that Zelensky now heads.

Gilbert Doctorow: U.S. ups the ante: are we indeed headed into WWIII and what can save us?


A Former US Marine Corps Officer’s Analysis of the Ukraine War (archived, in case the original is removed)

H/T: Natylie’s Place: Understanding Russia