Steel Manufacturing: ArcelorMittal Poland Plans Extended Shut-Down

On September 8, ArcelorMittal Poland announced it would take Blast Furnace No. 3 at the Dąbrowa Górnicza steel manufacturing plant off stream starting in late September. According to the company, the temporary measure is a response to current market conditions throughout Europe.

“Reducing production is the result of several factors,” the company said, elaborating on its decision. “[These include] the slow-down of economic activity in Europe, destocking done by customers, increasing level of imports from outside EU, and increasing gas and electricity prices.”

“Additionally, the cost of carbon, which is not applicable for steel producers importing steel into Europe, has reached record high levels this year, placing European steelmakers at a further competitive disadvantage,” the company added.

Steel Manufacturing: ArcelorMittal Poland Plans Extended Shut-Down

Angry Customers Demand Explanation As German Energy Bills Soar

Angry Customers Demand Explanation As German Energy Bills Soar

Apart from already high energy bills, German customers will have a surcharge as of October, as part of a government plan to implement a so-called gas levy on consumers in order to help struggling energy firms.

Germany has recently announced it would impose a gas levy on consumers from October 1 through March 2024 as it aims to help energy providers and importers of natural gas, which are struggling with low Russian gas supply and very expensive alternatives to Russian gas. The new natural gas tax is set to cost German families, who will have to foot the bill for the tax, an extra $500 a year.

U.S. Climate Chief Calls On Africa To Slash Emissions

U.S. Climate Chief Calls On Africa To Slash Emissions

“It is true that 20 countries – including the United States — are now responsible for 80 percent of all emissions. It is also true that 48 countries in sub-Saharan Africa are responsible for only 0.55% of total emissions,” Kerry said in a speech at the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN).

Many African nations argue that they wouldn’t curb investment in fossil fuels which are vital to allowing hundreds of millions of people access to electricity. The developed nations, for their part, are calling on Africa to help curb emissions, but no concrete plans have been proposed to help developing nations, including those in Africa, with increased funding to fight climate change.

Izyum is Bucha 2.0, new Ukrainian false flag war crimes and Western PSYOP + Dissecting Some War Propaganda

While the authorities have ordered lawsuits and detention of collaborators but private channels are simply spurring the murder of civilians, Ukraine pretends on September 15, 2022, to have found out a mass grave of 440 bodies near Izyum

Izyum is Bucha 2.0, new Ukrainian false flag war crimes and Western PSYOP


Ukraine – Dissecting Some War Propaganda News Items

In the AP video several soldiers and investigators are moving around. One Ukrainian soldier says he saw a video that the Russians made when the soldiers were buried in that one mass grave. From it, he says, he estimates that more than 17, maybe 25 or 30, he says, were buried in that grave.

The video he refers to is likely this one (h/t Elena Evdokimova) which was published on May 8. It seems to show the same graveyard with that one mass grave. One sees civilians with red cross armlets collecting and burying bodies of dead soldiers. I count a total of 17 dead bodies but there may be one or two more. One Russia soldier is around and explains what is happening. The title in Russian translates to:

Ukraine refuses to take away the bodies of dead soldiers. Russian military bury them in mass graves

Biden doubles down on demanding Big Tech censor “hate”

Some of the world’s biggest tech companies and their social media platforms are ramping up censorship policies, once again under – this time public – pressure from the White House, as President Biden urged them to show accountability for what he said was spreading of hate and fueling of violence.

Biden doubles down on demanding Big Tech censor “hate”


Communications Decency Act – Section 230