US Accuses Russia of Interfering in Foreign Elections


An intelligence review commissioned by the Biden administration has concluded that “Russia has secretly funneled at least $300 million to foreign political parties and candidates in more than two dozen countries since 2014 in an attempt to shape political events beyond its borders.”

US Accuses Russia of Interfering in Foreign Elections

Missing Links/Behind Paywalls:

Russia spent millions on secret global political campaign, U.S. intelligence finds (not missing but’s ads are annoying)

WaPo cites anonymous sources. 🙄

Assistant Secretary Nuland Speaks at U.S.-Ukraine Foundation Conference – U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Geneva (archived)

Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the United States has supported Ukrainians as they build democratic skills and institutions, as they promote civic participation and good governance, all of which are preconditions for Ukraine to achieve its European aspirations. We’ve invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine.


Dermokratiya, USA

10.2 Billion Loan To Russia Approved

“It’s Not Over”: While Biden Touts Rail Deal, Workers Have Yet to Vote—And Many Remain Skeptical

A national rail strike could still be on the table if rank-and-file workers reject the tentative agreement announced by the White House this week.

“It’s Not Over”: While Biden Touts Rail Deal, Workers Have Yet to Vote—And Many Remain Skeptical


Democratic House Speaker Pelosi to rail workers: Accept a pro-company deal or we’ll force you to

California’s Age Appropriate Design Code Is Radical Anti-Internet Policy

from the well,-there-goes-the-neighborhood dept

Thu, Sep 15th 2022 12:55pm – Mike Masnick

This isn’t a surprise, but it’s still frustrating. Gavin Newsom, who wants to be President some day, and thus couldn’t risk misleading headlines that he didn’t “protect the children,” has now signed AB 2273 into law (this follows on yesterday’s decision to sign the bad, but slightly less destructive, AB 587 into law). At this point there’s not much more I can say about why AB 2273 is so bad. I’ve explained why it’s literally impossible to comply with (and why many sites will just ignore it). I’ve explained how it’s pretty clearly unconstitutional. I’ve explained how the whole idea was pushed for and literally sponsored by a Hollywood director / British baroness who wants to destroy the internet. I’ve explained how it won’t do much, if anything, to protect children, but will likely put them at much greater risk. I’ve explained how the company it will likely benefit most is the world’s largest porn company not to mention COVID disinfo peddlers and privacy lawyers. I’ve explained how the companies supporting the law insist that we shouldn’t worry because websites will just start scanning your face when you visit.

Gavin Newsom Fucks Over The Open Internet, Signs Disastrously Stupid Age Appropriate Design Code


California’s Age Appropriate Design Code Is Radical Anti-Internet Policy

Cuba solidarity group in Puerto Rico hits FBI harassment, defends rights

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — In response to FBI harassment of participants in a solidarity brigade to Cuba a few weeks after they returned to Puerto Rico, the Cuba Solidarity Committee of Puerto Rico has called for a protest at the Federal Building here Sept. 17 at 11 a.m. The action also calls for an end to the U.S. blockade of Cuba.

Cuba solidarity group in Puerto Rico hits FBI harassment, defends rights

ACERE Statement Condemning Senator Rubio’s Attempt to Intimidate and Harass Puentes de Amor

As Cuban-Americans and others came out on the streets of Miami on July 31 to oppose the over 60-year United States embargo against Cuba, Senator Marco Rubio decided to revive one of the ugliest and most condemned moments of U.S. history when he chose to engage in McCarthyist tactics and launch a campaign against U.S. citizens demanding diplomacy and engagement with Cuba, instead of continuing a failed policy of isolation and punishment.

ACERE Statement Condemning Senator Rubio’s Attempt to Intimidate and Harass Puentes de Amor


Bridges of Love ‘spreads Cuba’s communist propaganda.’ FBI must investigate this group | Opinion