Book Review: How the West Brought War to Ukraine

by David Gordon – September 07, 2022

Review of How the West Brought War to Ukraine: Understanding How US and NATO Policies Led to Crisis, War, and the Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe, by Benjamin Abelow, Siland Press

The Ukraine war has generated great controversy, but of one point there can be no doubt, and Benjamin Abelow, a physician with a longstanding interest in public affairs, has properly emphasized this in his brief and excellent book. The policy of the United States toward the war, and more generally toward the Russian regime of Vladimir Putin, has been one of direct confrontation rather than peaceful accommodation. It is hardly a surprise that supporters of a noninterventionist policy have criticized the United Sates for this, but a number of those in the foreign policy “establishment” have done so as well, and Abelow has been able to secure the endorsement of some of these for his book. Jack Matlock Jr., for example, the last American ambassador to the Soviet Union, writes that the book is a “brilliant, remarkably concise explanation of the danger that U.S. and NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] military involvement in Ukraine has created.”

How the West Brought War to Ukraine

Update: LPR referendum over joining Russia to take place on September 23-27 – speaker

The referendum over the Lugansk People’s Republic joining the Russian Federation as a constituent RF region will take place in the Republic from September 23 to September 27, LPR parliament speaker Denis Miroshnichenko said.

LPR referendum over joining Russia to take place on September 23-27 – speaker


Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics to hold referendums over joining Russia

[2017] Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

In 1986 Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), creating a no-fault compensation program to stabilize a vaccine market adversely affected by an increase in vaccine-related lawsuits and to facilitate compensation to claimants who found pursuing legitimate vaccine-inflicted injuries too difficult and cost prohibitive.

Why vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability

More Disinformation From Israel

Joe Biden ran for president in 2020 with a pledge to restore the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, which Donald Trump had withdrawn from in May 2018 under pressure from Republican Party Jewish donors, most notably underwritten by an estimated $100 million coming from now deceased Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas casino fortune. The JCPOA might plausibly be regarded as the only major diplomatic success for the Barack Obama Administration, which featured Biden as Vice President, and it was good for the US due to its curb on proliferation, as well as being a benefit for the entire Middle East region as it made less likely a “weapons of mass destruction” arms race involving the Egyptians and Saudis.

More Disinformation From Israel

2 Turkish banks suspend Russian Mir payments after US sanctions: report

2 Turkish banks suspend Russian Mir payments after US sanctions: report

Turkish Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati at the time called concerns over the letter “meaningless.” In April, he said Russian tourists — critical to Turkey’s beleaguered economy — could easily make payments since the Mir system was growing among Turkey’s banks.

After the two private lenders suspended Mir, it is still operated by state lenders Halkbank (HALKB.IS), Vakıfbank (VAKBN.IS) and Ziraat.

H/T: Tim Pool 2

Irrelevant (or maybe not):

No Jeeves: Putin the courteous tips dear guest Erdogan’s chair

Looks like it was an accident and they were leaving, anyway.

‘We Were Treated Like Terrorists’: Brits Charged With ‘Racial Hatred’ Over Russian Flag Speak Out

The charges have been dropped and the group is pursuing legal action against the arresting officers, a spokesman told Sputnik. He condemned the UK’s dystopian double standard: “you can wave the Ukraine flag – in fact, we could have had swastikas and they wouldn’t have said anything – but not a Russian flag.”

‘We Were Treated Like Terrorists’: Brits Charged With ‘Racial Hatred’ Over Russian Flag Speak Out

Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion Jeff Monson teaches master classes to DPR athletes

Brazilian jiu-jitsu world champion Jeff Monson teaches master classes to DPR athletes

MMA fighter Jeff Monson plans to open sports schools in the DPR, as well as introduce his sports programs in secondary schools of the DPR.

Monson also held master classes for schoolchildren in Donetsk.

Video: Vladimir Gerdo/TASS



Ex-UFC star discusses plans for Donbass film