Scott Ritter Interview: How Donbass Joining Russia Just Turned the Tables on Ukraine

A New War

“Do you know who endorses revenge?” he says, “Azov endorses revenge. So the Donetsk people will have to look themselves in the mirror and say ‘do we really want to become that which we hate, or are we better than that?’ And its hard to be better than that when so many bad things have happened to you. But again, if they want to become part of Russia, they’re going to have to behave as Russians.”

Scott Ritter on the prisoner exchange, which included four leaders of Azov Battalion.

I didn’t see a tribunal, as revenge, but as justice. Revenge would’ve been executing them, on the spot, or worse!

Video via Deborah Armstrong

13 Year Old HERO of Donbass, Faina Savenkova, on the Ukrainian Capture Kill List!

Sep 28, 2022 – There aren’t a lot of people that truly impress me, but 13 Year Old Faina Savenkova certainly does! Her story is amazing, as she tells it in a shy and humble way. Her parents should be proud! While most 13 year old kids in America are worried about if their iPhone battery will last until the end of the school day, this 13 year old girl considers if she’s going to be murdered before her school school day is over for speaking out against the Ukrainian bombings of women and Children in the Donbass.

13 Year Old HERO of Donbass, Faina Savenkova, on the Ukrainian Capture Kill List! via John Mark Dougan

NRCC pulls ads for Majewski after reports he didn’t actually serve in Afghanistan after 9/11

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is scrapping $1 million in scheduled TV ads for GOP congressional candidate J.R. Majewski after military records reportedly revealed he was never stationed in Afghanistan, despite claiming to have served there after the 9/11 terrorist attack.

NRCC pulls ads for Majewski after reports he didn’t actually serve in Afghanistan after 9/11

H/T: MeidasTouch

Russia demands Apple explain after VK apps removed from App Store

Russia demands Apple explain after VK apps removed from App Store

These apps are being distributed by developers majority-owned or majority-controlled by one or more parties sanctioned by the UK government,” said Apple spokesperson Adam Dema in a statement given to The Verge. “In order to comply with these sanctions, Apple terminated the developer accounts associated with these apps, and the apps cannot be downloaded from any App Store, regardless of location. Users who have already downloaded these apps may continue to use them.


Apple Removes Russian VK Apps From App Store in Response to UK Sanctions

No Russian Shadow Over Italy. Con Giorgia Meloni Rome Confirms Itself As Washington’s Most Faithful Ally

They are wrong in Kremlin if anyone thinks that Italy will become the EU’s weak link vis-à-vis Russia. The center-right coalition won in the elections on 25 September. A success far beyond the expectations of Giorgia Meloni, the right-wing passionate who grew up in the myth of “good” fascism and Tolkien as a natural leader. The center-right that is about to govern Italy is made up of three different political groups. The real winner of the dispute is the “Fratelli d’Italia”, the party founded a little over ten years ago by Giorgia Meloni, Ignazio La Russa and Guido Crosetto. Heirs of the post-fascist tradition, the women and men led by Meloni have always been on the margins of society. They are the heirs of the tradition of the Italian Social Movement, the party that was liquidated in the mid-nineties after Mussolini’s rejection of nostalgia.

No Russian Shadow Over Italy. Con Giorgia Meloni Rome Confirms Itself As Washington’s Most Faithful Ally