Video-prank with President of Moldova Maia Sandu or “a conversation that did not exist”

Oct 4, 2022 – Russian pranksters Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexey Stolyarov (Vovan and Lexus) communicate with President of Moldova Sandu as Prime Minister of Ukraine.

Full prank with the President of Moldova Maia Sandu from Vovan and Lexus or “a conversation that did not exist” (as the Sandu administration claims).

The President of Moldova was very talkative, thinking that “Prime Minister of Ukraine Shmygal” wanted to give her compromise on opposition politicians.

She told how Moldova hangs on the verge of a total gas and electricity outage. Prices have already soared 10 times, and the president does not know how to stop the growth. Meanwhile, Sandu trades the territory of her own country, offering it to Ukraine.

Sandu also expressed her disappointment about the country’s energy dependence on Gazprom and Pridnestrovie. At the end, the president revealed the future of the Moldovan army and a possible military operation to deoccupy Pridnestrovie. And also about U.S. assistance.

Video-prank with President of Moldova Maia Sandu via Stars Save the Earth